15.04.010: Codes Adopted
15.04.020: Exemptions
15.04.030: Definitions
15.04.040: Amendments To Adopted Codes
15.04.050: Administration And Enforcement
15.04.060: Appeal From Administrative Rulings
15.04.070: Remedies And Penalties
15.04.010: CODES ADOPTED:
   A.   Adoption By Reference: The international existing building code, international building code, 2006 edition, including appendix E, excluding the incorporated references to the electrical code and plumbing codes, excluding any reference to the flood requirements, which shall be governed by city of Kamiah flood damage prevention ordinance; the international residential code, 2006 edition, except for parts VII and VIII, including appendix G, excluding any reference to the flood requirements which shall be governed by city of Kamiah flood damage prevention ordinance; the international mechanical code, 2006 edition; the international energy conservation code, 2006 edition; the uniform housing code, 1997 edition; the uniform code for the abatement of dangerous buildings, 1997 edition; international fuel gas code, 2006 edition; international fire code, 2006 edition; international property maintenance code, 2006 edition; excluding all appendices thereto except as herein enumerated, are hereby adopted by the city of Kamiah for the regulation of the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, conversion, occupancy, use, height, area, and maintenance of all buildings and structures in the city of Kamiah, including installation of manufactured homes in accordance with the provisions of title 44, chapter 22, Idaho Code. These codes and regulations are hereby adopted by reference and shall be the city of Kamiah building code.
   B.   Filing Of Code: The codes adopted in subsection A of this section shall be designated as the city of Kamiah building code, one copy of each code shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the city of Kamiah and be available for inspection at the office of the city of Kamiah, Idaho. (Ord. 2010-5 §§1, 2, 2010)
15.04.020: EXEMPTIONS:
   A.   Agricultural Buildings: In accordance with Idaho Code section 39-4116, agricultural buildings shall be exempt from the requirements of the codes adopted by this chapter, provided they are situated on land actively devoted to agricultural pursuits (as defined by Idaho Code section 63-604) and are, at the time of application, being assessed accordingly.
An "agricultural building" is defined as any structure that is used solely for growing, raising or producing plants, animals or crops.
While exempt from code requirements as specified in Idaho Code section 39-4116, an agricultural exemption permit is still required, and the permit shall be governed by the laws in effect at the time a complete permit application is received.
   B.   Equipment For Chemical And Mineral Processing And Extraction: Equipment used primarily for industrial chemical process purposes and for mineral extraction and mineral processing shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter. This exemption does not include the erection and fabrication of new boilers, pressure vessels and other equipment required to condition a building for personnel comfort and safety. "Equipment" in this regard shall mean, and be limited to, facilities or installations for heating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigerating equipment, elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, and boilers and pressure vessels associated with building heating systems. (Ord. 2010-5 §2, 2010)
15.04.030: DEFINITIONS:
COMMERCIAL COACH: A modular building equipped with the necessary service connections and made to be readily movable as a unit on its own running gear, and originally designed to be used without a permanent foundation.
DEPARTMENTS: The city of Kamiah building and planning department.
MANUFACTURED HOME: A structure that:
   A.   Is constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with the HUD manufactured home construction and safety standards, and
   B.   Is transportable in one or more sections, and
   C.   When in the traveling mode, is eight (8) body feet or more in width or is forty (40) body feet or more in length, or when erected on site, is three hundred twenty (320) or more square feet, and
   D.   Is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and
   E.   Includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein.
Such term shall also include any structure meeting all the requirements of this definition except the size requirements, and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification required by the secretary of housing and urban development, and complies with the standards established under 42 USC section 5401 et seq.
MOBILE HOME: A factory assembled structure or structures generally constructed prior to June 15, 1976, and equipped with the necessary service connections and made so as to be readily movable as a unit or units on their own running gear, and designed to be used as a dwelling unit or units with or without a permanent foundation.
MODULAR BUILDING: Any building or building component, other than a manufactured or mobile home, which is of closed construction and is either entirely or substantially prefabricated or assembled at a place other than the building site. (Ord. 2010-5 §2, 2010)