16A.04.010: Short Title
16A.04.020: Authority
16A.04.030: Purposes
16A.04.040: Scope
16A.04.050: Jurisdiction And Compliance
16A.04.060: Interpretation
16A.04.070: Administration
16A.04.080: Combining Of Permits
16A.04.090: Severability
This title is adopted pursuant to authority conferred by title 50, chapter 13, title 67, chapter 65, Idaho Code and article 12, section 2 of the Idaho constitution as amended or subsequently codified which require approval, platting and recording of subdivisions. (Ord. 2001-5 Art. I §2, 2001)
The purposes of this title are:
A. To implement the goals and purposes of the city of Kamiah comprehensive plan;
B. To provide for orderly and harmonious development within the city limits;
C. To provide standards for such development;
D. To ensure adequate access and traffic circulation through the coordination of streets and roads within subdivisions, with relation to other existing or planned streets and roads;
E. To ensure adequate open space for travel, light, air and recreation;
F. To ensure adequate provisions for water supply, drainage, sanitary sewerage and other health requirements;
G. To promote the conservation of land by encouraging its most effective and economical use;
H. To facilitate the transfer of real property by accurate description;
I. To avoid scattered subdivision of land that would result in lack of essential public services or necessitate expenditure of public funds to supply such services;
J. To provide logical procedures for the achieving of these purposes;
K. To otherwise promote the public health, safety and general welfare. (Ord. 2001-5 Art. I §3, 2001)