1141.01 Establishment of districts.
1141.02 Zoning district purposes.
1141.03 Designation of zoning districts.
1141.04 Newly annexed areas.
Zoning District Map adopted - see P. & Z. 1135.01
Changes in district boundaries - see P. & Z. 1135.03
Interpretation of district boundaries - see P. & Z. 1135.04
Zoning amendments - see P. & Z. Ch. 1137
(a) Residential Districts. The residential districts are intended to provide land for one, two and multiple-family dwelling. Land uses which are not related to or desirable for a residential environment are not permitted.
(b) Commercial Districts. The commercial districts are intended to provide land for commercial expansion and new development in an orderly efficient and efficient distribution of a wide variety of retail goods and services to the public. Public use of these commercial areas introduces a concern for an appropriate appearance, pleasing environmental scheme and adequate safeguards for the public.
(c) Industrial Districts. Industrial districts are intended to encourage the development of manufacturing, processing, warehousing, research and testing, and wholesale business establishments which are clean, relatively quiet, and free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, odor, dust, smoke or glare. While public use of these areas is anticipated to be minimal, such public use is sufficient to create a concern for appropriate appearance and adequate safeguards for the public health.
(d) Planned Unit Development Districts. Planned unit development districts are intended to promote the development of large areas of land under a uniform scheme or pattern.
(e) Special Districts. The special districts are intended to provide for the orderly efficient development of areas with unique or unusual characteristics.
(f) Agricultural District. Agricultural Districts are intended to encourage the continued use of farmland for agricultural production.
(Ord. 20-2022. Passed 10-18-22.)
(a) The name and symbol for the Standard Zoning Districts as shown on the Zoning District Map are as follows:
Name | Symbol |
Residential Districts | |
Suburban Residential | SR-1 |
Suburban Residential | SR-2 |
Urban Residential Low Density | UR-1 |
Urban Residential Moderate Density | UR-2 |
Multiple-Family Residential | AR-1 |
Commercial Districts | |
General Community Commercial | |
District 1 | GCC-1 |
District 2 | GCC-2 |
Light Manufacturing | LM
Special Districts | |
Flood Plain | FP |
Open Space | OS |
Agricultural | AG
(Ord. 20-2022. Passed 10-18-22.)
Subject to the conditions stated in Chapter 1164 territory which is annexed into the City of Johnstown subsequent to the effective date of this section, and for which rezoning to a different district has not already been approved subject to the annexation, shall, upon the effective date of the annexation, be zoned into the Agricultural District.
(Ord. 20-2022. Passed 10-18-22.)