(a)   Where a sanitary sewer is available within 350 feet of any lot, parcel of land, building or premises, the owner of such lot, parcel of land, building or premises shall be required to connect any improvements to be constructed on the property to such sanitary sewer. Any lot, parcel of land, building or premises on which a septic system was located, either prior to the enactment of this section or prior to a sanitary sewer becoming available within 350 feet, shall be entitled to continue to use such septic system until such system requires replacement or expansion of the septic tank and/or the leach field. When such septic system requires such replacement and/or expansion, the owner of the property shall be required to connect any improvements located on the property to such sanitary sewer. Any lot, parcel of land, building or premises abutting a street or alley in which there is a public sanitary sewer or which can be connected to any such sanitary sewer through the use of easements contained directly from other private property owners without substantial cost, shall be deemed to have available access to a sanitary sewer.
   (b)   Where a sanitary sewer is available within 350 feet of any lot, parcel of land, building or premises, it shall be conclusively presumed that the sewage from such lot, parcel of land, building or premises is discharged into such sewer, and the property or premises shall be billed for sewage service charges as provided by this chapter. If any lot, parcel of land, building or premises become connected to a sanitary sewer as provided herein, and if such lot, parcel of land, building or premises are served by a water well, then the owner of such lot, parcel of land, building or premises shall be required to install a water meter as provided in Section 921.04, which meter shall be installed at such owner’s expense.
(Ord. 1-05. Passed 1-4-05.)