921.04 METERS.
   (a)   Required. Every water service shall be equipped with a meter, either purchased new from the Manager or tested and approved by the Manager if used. The Manager reserves the right to reject used meters due to age, compatibility or for other reasons. No meter smaller than five eighths of an inch by three-fourths of an inch shall be installed in a new building or residence.
   (b)   Reading Accessibility. Meters shall be installed in such a manner and place that will make them readily accessible for reading. If the meter reader is unable to obtain an actual reading of the meter, an estimated charge shall be determined by the Manager and/or Finance Director.
   (c)   Gate Valve Requirements. Each meter size five-eighths of an inch or greater shall be provided with a full flow three-fourths inch ball valve on both the inlet and the outlet of the meter. Such shutoffs shall remain readily accessible. In addition to the shutoff valves, each meter shall have an approved meter stud on both inlet and outlet side of meter. These valves and meter studs shall be functioning properly at all times and the Manager reserves the right to require necessary repairs to be made by the property owner upon request of a representative of the Village. An inspection of the installation of the ball valves and meter studs shall be required prior to the delivery of the water meter to property owner. A subsequent inspection of the installation, including the water meter, shall be required prior to water service. The Village shall have the right to refuse to turn on service, or to turn off service that has previously been turned on, in the event that any such inspection is not performed and the installation approved by the Village.
   (d)   Testing. The Manager may undertake to test and correct any meter, which is registering incorrectly without the consent of the owner. The Manager shall not be responsible for breakage of pipes occurring during the removal or installation of meters. Upon request from an owner or consumer and agreement to pay for a test charge, the Manager shall remove any meter for test upon payment of a fee as established by the Manager. If upon examination and test, it is found that the meter registers outside tolerance limits of five percent (5%) over or under on flows from one to twenty gallons per minute, on all meters, types, and sizes, it shall be considered inaccurate and the water charges shall be adjusted on the basis of this test. If charges are adjusted, only the current bill shall be subject to change. The customer has the right to request a meter test at the time of each billing. Payment of the bill constitutes acceptance of charges made.
   (e)   Damaged Equipment. Meters, meter seals, valves, stopcock, curbcock, waterlines or any other equipment owned by the Village damaged by use, abuse, misuse, accident or any act of carelessness shall be repaired by the Manager at the expense of the owner. Any equipment damaged beyond repair shall be replaced by the owner of property upon receipt of notice from the Manager at the property owner’s expense.
(Ord. 1-05. Passed 1-4-05.)