When any animal has been impounded, notice thereof shall be given to the Owner; or if the Owner is unknown or cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, then notice thereof shall be posted for seventy-two (72) hours and contain species of the animal, the time and place at which the animal was seized, together with the time and date of posting the notice. The time for redemption of the animal, as provided in this section, shall not begin to run until such notice has been given or posted. The Owner shall be entitled to resume possession of the animal, except as already provided for certain animals, upon compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and the payment of fees incurred according to the Fee Schedule and all other actual costs incurred by the county in connection with the rescue, capture, recapture, shelter and treatment. If applicable, each redeemed animal must be vaccinated against rabies, prior to redemption, at which time the Owner will be given a proof of rabies vaccination card and the Owner shall be responsible for the cost of the vaccination.
(Amend. of 3-1-2010; Amend. of 6-6-2016; Amend. of 5-1-2023)
Hospitals, clinics and other premises operated by licensed veterinarians for the care and treatment of animals are exempt from the provisions of this chapter except for provisions of cruel treatment and manner of keeping animals generally.
(Amend. of 3-1-2010; Amend. of 5-1-2023)
It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, obstruct, hinder or molest the Animal Services Department or its officers and agents, or veterinarians in the performance of any duty authorized by this chapter, or release, attempt to release, or procure another to release or attempt to release any animal in the custody of the Animal Services Department except as is provided in this chapter.
(Amend. of 3-1-2010; Amend. of 6-6-2016; Amend. of 5-1-2023)
It shall be the duty of the Animal Services Department to keep, or cause to be kept, accurate and detailed records of:
(1) Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into the Animal Shelter.
(2) Bite cases, violations, and complaint investigations.
(3) All monies belonging to the county which are derived from impoundment fees, penalties and sales of animals.
(4) All other records deemed necessary by the county manager.
(Amend. of 3-1-2010; Amend. of 6-6-2016; Amend. of 5-1-2023)
The Fee Schedule for the administration of this Chapter is set forth in the Johnston County Fee Schedule adopted by the Johnston County Board of Commissions for the current fiscal year, and as may be amended from time to time.
Any additional costs or fees, beyond those listed in the Fee Schedule, incurred by the Animal Services Department for the special handling of animals, including but not limited to veterinary care and/or special dietary needs, shall be billed to the Owner of an at-cost basis. The determination of whether an animal requires special handling is evaluated of a case by case basis in the discretion of the Animal Services Department Head.
(Amend. of 3-1-2010; Amend. of 6-6-2016; Amend. of 10-5-2020; Amend. of 5-1-2023)