Sec. 4-14A.   Abandonment.
   It shall be unlawful for any Owner of any animal to leave such animal on a street, road, highway, or in a public place or on private property with intent to abandon such animal except to relinquish the animal to the Animal Shelter during normal business hours. If the Animal Services Department finds that an animal has been abandoned, the animal may be impounded. If the animal has been abandoned in a house or within a fenced area, the Animal Services Department must make a reasonable effort to locate and contact the owner or manager of the property. If the property owner or manager is not the animal Owner, then the Animal Services Officer shall attempt to secure permission from the property owner or manager to enter the property and remove the animal for impoundment. If the Animal Services Officer is unable to locate or procure permission from the property owner or the animal Owner, the Animal Services Officer shall secure an appropriate warrant to seize the animal. An animal seized pursuant to this section shall be impounded for a period of at least seventy-two (72) hours. If the Owner contacts the Animal Services Department to reclaim the animal, an explanation for the animal’s abandonment must be provided to the satisfaction of the Animal Services Officer before the animal is released to the Owner. If the animal is unclaimed by its Owner after being held for at least seventy-two (72) hours, the animal may be placed for adoption or humanely euthanized.
(Amend. of 6-6-2016)