DISPOSAL SITE: An area of land serving as a central location receiving consolidated refuse from more than one source.
FARM: Where farms are exempt from the provisions of this chapter, they shall be defined as a tract of land used in the production of food or fiber or other agricultural operations of such extent and character as generally prevail on farms, and being accessory to a farm operation. It shall be a farm in fact, and not in name only.
GARBAGE AND DEBRIS: Includes, but is not limited to, paper, cardboard, cartons, boxes, barrels, lumber, concrete, scrap metal, appliances, furniture, glass, bottles, crockery, tin cans, vehicle parts, boats, furniture and any other manufactured or constructed object which has outlived its usefulness in its original form (notwithstanding the fact that the object may have scrap value or could be reconditioned with substantial repair) where such object, due to its present condition and/or visibility, may reasonably be construed to be unsightly, dangerous, or unsanitary. As used herein, the phrase "garbage and debris" does not include "inoperable vehicle".
INOPERABLE VEHICLE: Any motor vehicle from which, for a period of at least seven (7) days, the engine, wheels or other parts have been removed, on or which the engine, wheels or other parts have been altered, damaged or otherwise so treated that the vehicle is incapable of being driven properly and safely under its own motor power, or any motor vehicle which is not duly licensed as required by the Illinois vehicle code. "Inoperable vehicle" does not include a motor vehicle which has been rendered temporarily incapable of being driven under its own motor power in order to perform ordinary service or repair operations. "Inoperable vehicle" does not include vehicles used primarily for farming purposes.
REFUSE: Shall mean and include:
   A.   Animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
   B.   Landscape waste or clean fill materials as defined and regulated by the Illinois environmental protection agency.
SEWAGE: Water carried animal or human waste and other liquid wastes from residences, business buildings, industrial establishments or other places. (Ord. 2012-4, 2-14-2012)