   A.   No licensee or employee or agent of the licensee shall:
      1.   Sell, offer for sale, or furnish alcoholic liquor to any person except on the licensed premises.
      2.   Knowingly permit the consumption of alcoholic liquor in a parked automobile on the licensed premises.
      3.   Knowingly permit any person to carry or otherwise transport alcoholic liquor from the licensed premises in an open or unsealed container.
      4.   Conduct outdoor sales of alcoholic liquor or permit outdoor consumption of alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises, except as provided in subsections B and C of this section.
   B.    Class A, C, and E licensees may sell alcoholic liquor for outdoor consumption on the licensed premises, provided:
      1.   The area in which the outdoor sales and/or consumption of alcoholic liquor takes place is contiguous to the building on the licensed premises in which the licensee primarily conducts the retail sale of alcoholic liquor;
      2.   The outdoor sale and consumption area is enclosed by means of a fence; and
      3.   Ingress to and egress from the outdoor sale and consumption area is only accessible from and into the building on the licensed premises in which the licensee primarily conducts the retail sale of alcoholic liquor.
   C.   Special license holders may sell alcoholic liquor for outdoor consumption as provided in section 4-1-16 of this chapter. (Ord., 11-14-1995)
   A.   Sale, Use Or Delivery Of Drugs: No licensee or employee of any premises licensed under this chapter shall, on the premises or elsewhere, sell, use, possess or deliver, with or without consideration, any cocaine, heroin, cannabis, or any other substance whose possession, sale, use or delivery is controlled by 410 Illinois Compiled Statutes 620/1 et seq.
   B.   Drug Paraphernalia:
      1.   Sale: No licensee or employee of any premises licensed under this chapter shall, on the licensed premises, sell, keep for sale, offer for sale or delivery for any commercial consideration any drug paraphernalia whose sale or delivery is prohibited by the drug paraphernalia control act, 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 600/1 et seq.
      2.   Possession: No licensee or employee of any premises licensed under this chapter shall possess on his person or on the licensed premises in those areas controlled solely by the licensee and not generally open to the public any drug paraphernalia whose sale or delivery is prohibited by the Illinois drug paraphernalia control act, 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 600/1 et seq.
   C.   Violations; Penalties:
      1.   A violation of subsection A of this section by a licensee shall result in the revocation of the license, and all fees paid thereon shall be forfeited.
      2.   A violation of subsection A of this section by an employee of a licensee or a violation of subsection B of this section by a licensee or employee will result in a suspension or revocation of such license.
      3.   In the case of revocation, all fees paid for the license shall be forfeited. (Ord., 11-14-1995)
   A.   Loitering Of Drunk Persons; Presence Of Criminals; Aid To Police: It shall be a violation of this chapter for any licensee or employee or agent of the licensee to allow persons in a drunken condition to remain upon or loiter in and around the licensed premises; to harbor, conceal, aid or assist any person who has committed any criminal offense against the laws of the state; or to refuse to aid or assist law enforcement officers of the county in the apprehension of persons accused or suspected of committing a crime.
   B.   Maintain Peace And Order: It shall be the personal responsibility and duty of the licensee to maintain peace and order on the licensed premises and to maintain the premises free from rowdiness, rioting, fighting, brawling, shooting, cuttings, stabbings and any and all such related conduct. (Ord., 11-14-1995)
   A.   Employment:
      1.   No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall be employed on a licensed premises while the premises is open for business, except as provided in subsections A3 and A4 of this section.
      2.   No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall be employed in any position involving the drawing, pouring, mixing or otherwise dispensing of alcoholic liquors.
      3.   It shall not be a violation of this chapter for a person under eighteen (18) years of age to be employed on a licensed premises during open business hours if the licensee is or operates a restaurant, club, hotel, bowling alley, as defined in the liquor control act of 1934, 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-1 et seq., or a grocery store or other retail establishment which is not used exclusively or primarily for the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic liquor, and the employment does not directly involve the sale, dispensing, or delivery of alcoholic liquor.
      4.   It shall not be a violation of this chapter for a person under eighteen (18) years of age to be employed on a licensed premises during open business hours if the employment is for the purpose of providing entertainment on the licensed premises, and the person under eighteen (18) years of age is part of an act in which his parent, parents, or guardian appears.
   B.   Underage Persons On Premises: It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person under twenty one (21) years of age to enter upon any licensed premises unless such person is accompanied by his parent or legally appointed guardian, or such person is in the exercise of his legitimate business, trade or employment. This subsection does not apply to restaurants, clubs, or hotels, nor to those portions of bowling alleys, grocery stores, drugstores, or other retail establishments which are not used exclusively or primarily for the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
   C.   Purchase, Consumption Or Possession By 1 :
      1.   It shall be a violation for any person under the age of twenty one (21) years to purchase or otherwise obtain or consume alcoholic liquor on a licensed premises.
      2.   It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty one (21) years to purchase, accept, receive, transport or have in his or her possession any alcoholic liquor. (Ord., 11-14-1995; amd. Ord. O2024-6, 5-14-2024)



1. See also section 5-12-3 of this code.
   A.   Illegal Activities: It shall be a violation of this chapter for any licensee or employee or agent of the licensee to engage in any activity or conduct, or to allow any other person to engage in any activity or conduct, in, on, or about the licensed premises which is prohibited by any ordinance of the county, law of the state, or law of the United States.
   B.   Sales To Habitual Drunkards: No licensee shall sell, give or deliver alcoholic liquor to any person known to him to be an habitual drunkard.
   C.   Nudity: It shall be a violation of this chapter for any licensee or employee or agent of the licensee to allow or otherwise participate in any kind of agreement or arrangement which allows or requires any person to appear before or amidst the public in attendance at the licensed premises in the nude or in any kind of apparel which as worn, or by virtue of its design, fit, or material, makes visible any portions of such person's:
      1.   Genitalia;
      2.   Pubic hair or pubic hair region;
      3.   Anus and/or anal crevice; or
      4.   If such person is a female, her breast at or below, and including, the areola.
   D.   Public Intoxication, Consumption Or Possession:
      1.   It shall be unlawful for any person to be in an intoxicated condition upon any street, alley or other public place in the county.
      2.   It shall be unlawful for any person to consume alcoholic liquor or possess open liquor in any street or alley in the county. (Ord., 11-14-1995)