   (A)   Approval of construction plans.  
      (1)   All final plats which contain lot or lots requiring installation of improvements shall have 3 copies of construction plans submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. Upon review and approval of the construction plans per method and procedure adopted by the Planning Commission, 1 set marked "Approved" shall be returned to applicant. The construction plans shall be submitted and approved prior to approval of final subdivision plat.
      (2)   The applicant shall not proceed with construction of subject improvement until the time that he or she is in receipt of approved construction plans. Construction of subject improvements shall comply with approved plans. Any deviation from approved plans of construction shall be approved by Planning Commission.
      (3)   Based upon the Planning Commission's approval of plans, the Planning Commission shall not be liable for any error or omission of design and/or construction.
      (4)   All construction shall be inspected at the various phases of construction, as set out below, by the Jessamine County-City of Wilmore Planning Commission Enforcement Officer and the Jessamine County Road Engineer or the City of Wilmore Official in charge of inspections.
      (5)   (a)   First inspection. After grading is complete and the subbase of the street and/or curb and gutter (if required) has been properly compacted and before the base or curb and gutter is constructed. Compaction tests of the subbase shall be performed at the expense of the applicant and/or developer.
         (b)   Second inspection. After the base is constructed in accordance with § 153.082 and before the bituminous or concrete pavement has been constructed.
         (c)   Third inspection. After the pavement has been constructed.
         (d)   Fourth inspection. After sufficient vegetative cover has been established in ditches and shoulders.
      (6)   If, prior to inspection, any phase of construction is obscured by a subsequent phase of construction, the Enforcement Officer shall order the applicant and/or developer to cease development. Tests to determine conformance to the construction standards of this chapter shall be performed by a qualified registered engineer at the expense of the applicant and/or developer. If the tests are not satisfactory, the Enforcement Officer may require the removal of any material necessary to correct the construction deficiency.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.301)
   (B)   Application procedure. Within 2 years after approval or conditional approval of the preliminary layout is granted, the applicant shall file with the Planning Commission an application for approval of a final subdivision plat. The approval of the preliminary layout shall lapse if application for the final subdivision plat is not filed within the 2-year period, unless time is extended by the Planning Commission. The application shall:
      (1)   Be made in writing to the Planning Commission to be received by the Administrative Officer by the day indicated on the application deadline schedule posted in the office of the Administrative Officer. Applications received after the day indicated on the deadline schedule shall not be received at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting;
      (2)   Fifteen copies of the final plat for all the land which the applicant proposes to subdivide shall be submitted when the application is filed with the Administrative Officer. The final plat shall show the names of owners of all property adjacent to the property proposed for subdivision, and all supplementary material described in §§ 153.035 and 153.037. If construction plans are to be reviewed for approval, 6 copies of the plans must accompany the application and final plat;
      (3)   Substantially comply in all respects with the preliminary layout as approved, or modified as required if conditionally approved;
      (4)   Prior to consideration by the Planning Commission, the final subdivision plat shall have received approvals by the following:
         (a)   The Administrative Officer of the agency or utility company supplying water services if a connection to a public water line is proposed, with certificate of water availability appearing on the subdivision plat;
         (b)   The Administrative Officer of the agency or utility company supplying sewage disposal services if a connection to a public sewage system is proposed, with a certificate of availability of sewage disposal services appearing on the subdivision plat; and
         (c)   The developer must obtain a signed statement from a registered engineer stating that the completed construction complies with the construction plans.
      (5)   Comply in every respect with the requirements specified in §§ 153.160 through 153.067;
      (6)   Comply with the improvement requirements of §§ 153.080 through 153.084;
      (7)   Include the entirety of the approved preliminary plat, which shows access from a street already improved, or if not improved, to be improved to the standards of and according to this chapter; and
      (8)   Be accompanied by a certified check or money order as scheduled in § 153.022.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.302)
   (C)   Action on proposed subdivision plat. After careful study and within 90 days from the date of the application for approval of the final subdivision plat, the Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the plat. Failure of the Planning Commission to act upon this final subdivision plat application within the 90 days shall be deemed approval of the subdivision plat. If the application is disapproved, the grounds for disapproval shall be stated in the records of the Planning Commission. The Administrative Officer shall send the applicant the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting at which action was taken. The Administrative Officer shall retain a copy of the approved final subdivision plat so as to provide verification of the plat as approved by the Jessamine County-City of Wilmore Planning Commission and as recorded in the office of the Jessamine County Clerk.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.303)
   (D)   Signing of subdivision plat. Upon approval of the final subdivision plat by the Planning Commission, the original plat shall show that approval with a written endorsement signed by the authorized officer of the Planning Commission. The signature by the authorized officer of the Planning Commission shall not be rendered until the applicant has met all the conditions of the action granting approval of the subdivision plat. In any case, the approval by the Planning Commission shall not constitute acceptance by the public of the dedication of any street, other public way or ground.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.304)
   (E)   Recording of approved subdivision plat. The signed subdivision plat shall be returned to the subdivider. In turn he or she shall have it filed at his or her expense, within 30 days from date of approval with the Jessamine County Clerk's office as an official plat of record. One copy of the subdivision plat, certified by the County Clerk's office, shall be returned to the Planning Commission.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.305)
   (F)   Plat void if revised after approval. No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made on any subdivision plat after approval has been given by the Planning Commission. In the event that any subdivision plat, when recorded, contains any such changes, the plat shall be considered null and void, and the Planning Commission shall institute proceedings to have the subdivision plat stricken from the records of the County Clerk.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.306)
   (G)   Reservations on public acceptance of proposed streets and acreage for community facilities. The approval by the Planning Commission of a subdivision plat shall not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the City of Wilmore or Jessamine County, depending on the location of the subdivision plat, of any street, park, playground or some other open space shown on the plat as a community facility. The Planning Commission may require the subdivision plat to be endorsed with appropriate notes to this effect. The Planning Commission may also require the filing of a written agreement between the applicant and the City Council or County Fiscal Court, depending on the location of the subdivision, covering future title and dedication.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.307)
   No final plat shall be approved by the Planning Commission or accepted for record by the County Clerk until the improvements listed are constructed and approved by the appropriate officials having jurisdiction as per §§ 153.080 through 153.084, unless requirements of division (A) of this section and § 153.084 have been met.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.400; Am. Ord. passed 7-10-2001)
   (A)   Improvements made under bond. Where a performance bond is posted, in lieu of prior construction, the Planning Commission may set a reasonable time for improvements to be properly constructed; however, this period shall be no more than 18 months. At the end of the period, if it is proven that extraordinary conditions exist which will require a longer period of time for the installation of the required improvements, the Planning Commission may grant an additional period of time up to 6 more months during which the construction of the improvements shall be properly completed. No additional time shall be granted after this extended period unless further extension is proven by the developer, to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. The amount of the bond shall be in compliance with § 153.084.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.401; Am. Ord. passed 7-10-2001)
   (B)   Acceptance and dedication of streets.
      (1)   The legislative body having jurisdiction may release the performance bond only with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall make such a recommendation after it has received a report from the developer's licensed engineer and a representative of the governmental body that all improvements have been properly installed, that the final subdivision plat has been approved, that all requirements of these subdivision regulations have been met.
      (2)   If it has been determined by the Planning Commission that prior to completion, improvements necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and/or occupants of the subdivision are not properly guaranteed by the subdivider, the Planning Commission shall take action to secure the performance bond to ensure the installation of these improvements. If this action is taken, no new building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all improvements are installed properly as determined by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 2.402; Am. Ord. passed 7-10-2001)