(A)   Grading. Before grading, the entire right-of-way shall be first cleared of all stumps, roots, brush, soft clay, spongy material, of all trees not intended for preservation, and any other objectionable matter. This objectionable matter, as well as similar matter from cuts, shall be removed from the right-of-way and disposed of in a manner so that it will not become incorporated in any fills or be an obstacle in the way of drainage. Any fill material shall be free from trash and unwanted foreign objects and be properly compacted. The subgrade shall be properly shaped, rolled and uniformly compacted to conform with the accepted cross-section and grades. The grading for all streets, roads and alleys shall be performed so that pavements and sidewalks would be constructed on a horizontal base line at any cross-section, except where topographical conditions would allow otherwise with the approval of the authorized engineer or agent.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 5.201)
   (B)   Pavement. All streets and alleys shall have a dust-free type of pavement with no loose aggregate. Pavement width shall conform with the dimensions and data related to the street classification as described in § 153.062. The pavement specifications shall be designed to carry the expected traffic loads and shall conform with the Kentucky Department of Highways current standard specifications for portland cement concrete pavement, but under no circumstances shall the depth of pavement construction in residential and agricultural zones be less than 10 inches of compacted rock in 2 compacted lifts (the first being 6 inches of No. 2 rock and the second lift being 4 inches of dense grade aggregate, 3 inches of Class I binder and 1 inch of Class I surface, and under no circumstances shall the depth of pavement construction in commercial, business and industrial zones or arterial streets, be less than 10 inches of compacted rock (the first lift being 6 inches of No. 2 rock, and the second lift consisting of 4 inches of dense grade aggregate) with 5-1/2 inches of asphalt (consisting of 4 inches of Class I binder, and 1-1/2 inches of Class I surface). Moisture content after final compaction and immediately prior to application of first layer of asphalt shall not exceed 5 nor be less than 2%. All roadbed compaction and construction shall follow the standards in the Kentucky Department of Transportation, Bureau of Highways, Standard Specification, current edition. See Appendix B, Figures 2 and 3 for typical road sections.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 5.202; Am. Ord. passed 4-10-2001; Am. Ord. passed 4-12-2005)
   (C)   Curbs and gutters.  
      (1)   Curbs and gutters shall be required in all subdivisions. However, in a residential single-family subdivision when a public drainage system is not available or planned, the Planning Commission may waive the requirements. Curbs shall not be less than 6, nor more than 8 inches in height above the gutter line, with the fill behind the curbs sloping toward the curb to ensure proper drainage into the gutters. Curbs shall be constructed of portland cement concrete. Rolled curbs shall be poured integrally with a portland cement concrete pavement. Combined curbs and gutters shall be formed and poured in all streets where asphaltic concrete is used. Whenever curbs and gutters are waived, shoulder and drainage ditches shall be constructed of compacted soil to the widths specified in § 153.062 herein. The ditches shall be of adequate size to carry the runoff water and to prevent flooding. To avoid erosion, these ditches might be required to be concrete-lined.
      (2)   Earth shoulders shall be constructed flush with but no less than 1 inch lower than the edge of the pavement and shall slope away from edge of pavement at a rate of 3/4 inch/foot. Roadway ditches shall be constructed parallel to centerline of the roadway, having a side slope no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. The flow-line of the ditch may be flat bottom or V-channel and shall be constructed parallel and below centerline grade at a depth of at least 2 feet or greater.
      (3)   The shoulder, ditch and disturbed areas of construction shall be seeded. Prior to seeding the areas shall be sacrificed or disked to loosen soil to a depth of 3 inches. Seeding shall consist of KY-31 fescue applied at a rate of 65 pounds/acre and incorporated into the seedbed. Developer shall take any additional steps as are necessary to ensure establishment of sufficient vegetation cover, including but not limited to mulching, fertilizing, liming and watering. Same shall be growth of specified grasses through 1 complete growing season and having a plant density of 150 live seedlings representative of the specified seed mixture per square foot on at least 90% of each seeded area, with no vacant areas larger that 250 square feet each. The vegetative bond shall not be released pursuant to this chapter until all areas are acceptable as to establishment.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 5.203)
   (D)   Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be required in residential and commercial subdivisions, at shopping centers, playgrounds, schools, and where a pedestrian movement is concentrated, for the pedestrians' greater safety, convenience and better circulation. However, the Planning Commission may waive the sidewalk requirements in single-family unit developments. Sidewalks along arterial or collector streets and along multi-family developments shall be 5 feet wide, except along commercial developments where they shall be 8 feet wide, otherwise sidewalks shall be 4 feet wide. Sidewalks shall be constructed at least 2 feet from the ditch line or from the curb except at street intersections. Sidewalks shall be built of portland cement and either at the elevation of the curb and sloping towards it or higher than the pavement when no curb is to be provided, with a slope of 2 to 1 to support the fill properly. Sidewalks shall be built on a well-compacted subgrade using sheep foot rollers, and a subbase of gravel shall be provided.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 5.204)
   (E)   Street name signs. The subdivider shall, at the time of submitting his or her performance bond, furnish a sum of money sufficient to reimburse the city or county for the purchase price and installation cost of all street name signs required in his or her subdivision.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 5.205)