No person shall take water for private use from any public building for which free use of water may be provided by law or from any public watering through fountain, hydrant or other opening without written consent of an official of the Water Department.
(Ord. 88-80. Passed 12-8-80.)
In the event of freezing of a meter due to improper protection within a building, the party served by the meter shall pay for the parts required to repair it. Meters located in curb boxes will be repaired at the expense of the Water Department in the event of freezing.
(Ord. 88-80. Passed 12-8-80.)
Only officers and employees of the Water Department shall have authority to turn water on or off at the curb cock, and no other person shall be permitted to turn the water on or off without a permit from the proper official. This section shall not apply to plumbers turning on water for testing purposes.
(Ord. 88-80. Passed 12-8-80.)
If, upon inspection by an official of the Water Department, a cross-connection between a sewer, private water supply or other instance of endangering the public water supply is discovered, service will be discontinued until the cross-connection is eliminated to the satisfaction of the Department.
(Ord. 88-80. Passed 12-8-80.)