Electric charges shall be a lien on any premises supplied with City electric services
and which maintains a connection with the City electric service lines. Such lien may, in the event of an unpaid bill, be certified by the City Auditor to the County Auditor and placed on the tax duplicate for collection.
(Ord. 6-79. Passed 2-12-79.)
(a) Annually, the Service-Safety Director shall require from a new customer a contribution in aid to construction.
(b) The annual cost to serve shall be the sum of the following components - Charges and rates for the following items shall be set by the Director of Public Service and Safety and Head of Electric Department and published in the City of Jackson Utility Charges to be maintained in the City of Jackson Utility Office:
(1) Costs for each new secondary pole.
(2) Cost for each new single phase primary pole.
(3) Cost for each new 3-phase primary pole.
(4) Cost per foot for single phase underground line.
(5) Cost per foot for 3-phase underground line.
(6) Cost for each single phase overhead or underground transformer.
(7) Cost for each 3-phase overhead or underground transformer.
(8) Cost per foot for ditch opening and closing.
(c) The contribution in aid to construction is calculated as the sum of all poles required multiplied by the cost per pole and/or total footage multiplied by cost per foot plus the transformer cost less the tap fee.
(d) Miscellaneous:
(1) The tap fee shall be sole charge in the event the customer is utilizing an existing transformer and requires no additional work.
(2) The City shall bear the cost for additional improvements requested by the City which are not required to support the new service.
(3) The Service/Safety Director may waive any costs herein.
(Ord. 37-21. Passed 6-14-21.)
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 921.15 was repealed by Ordinance 45-09, passed July 13, 2009.)
(a) For service by the City on a consumer’s premises in connection with any meter check requested by user, electric pole disconnect and re-connect, defect or breakdown in the electric, water or sewer, beyond the tie-in with the main line, the charges for such services shall be set by the Director of Public Service and Safety and published in a list of charges referred to as the City of Jackson Utility Charges and said list shall be maintained in the City of Jackson Utility Office.
(b) No utility services shall be shut off on a Friday, or on the day before a holiday.
(Ord. 16-21. Passed 3-22-21.)
Any consumer who desires to tap into the City’s electric service shall be charged tap fees set by the Director of Public Service and Safety and published in a list of charges referred to as the City of Jackson Utility Charges and said list shall be maintained in the City of Jackson Utility Office.
(Ord. 16-21. Passed 3-22-21.)
(a) Subject to meeting all technical, safety, construction, interconnection or other requirements imposed by Municipality, as well as paying any applicable rates, fees or charges pursuant to approved rates and tariffs, Municipality will permit retail customers to interconnect BTM Generators through their existing interconnection to the Municipal electric distribution system and to utilize energy generated thereby.
(b) The Behind-the-Meter (BTM) Generator Policy & Procedures attached to Ordinance 04-23 and made a part of this section are hereby adopted and shall be applicable to all BTM Generators as of the effective date of this section.
(c) The Schedule “SPP” - Small Power Production electric rate schedule attached to Ordinance 04-23 and made a part of this section is hereby adopted and shall be applicable to all energy supplied by BTM Generators as of the effective date of this section.
(d) Application for Interconnection and Interconnection Agreement between this Municipality and a customer who desires to interconnect a BTM Generator to the Municipal electric utility system, substantially in the forms attached to Ordinance 04-23 as Exhibits 1 and 2, respectively, are hereby approved.
(e) The Director of Public Service and Safety is authorized to review and approve or take such other action as necessary on any Application for Interconnection and Interconnection Agreement between this Municipality and a customer of the Municipal Utility.
(Ord. 04-23. Passed 2-27-23.)