2.25 Councilmen to Attend Meetings.
   It shall be obligatory upon all members of the City Council to attend all regular meetings of the same, and also all special meetings when properly served with notice, unless absence therefrom is unavoidable.
2.26 Reference to Committee.
   Any matter coming before the Council may be referred, by a majority vote of the Council, to any standing committee of the Council, or to the committee of the whole or to a select committee to be appointed as provided for in the motion to commit.
3.01 Qualifications.
   The Mayor shall be an elector and resident of the City of Ironton, Ohio, for at least five years preceding the election, and remain a resident of the City during his term of office. The Mayor shall hold no other elected office, nor hold any other employment with the City of Ironton. The position of Mayor is to be a full-time position.
(Amended 11-4-1986)
3.02 Nomination.
   Any person wishing to run for the office of Mayor shall file a petition signed by not less than 300 nor more than 400 registered voters of the City, to be filed with the Board of Elections in accordance with State law.
3.03 Election.
   In order to be elected, a candidate must receive at least forty percent of the total votes cast for Mayor in the election. In the event that no candidate receives at least forty percent of the total votes cast for Mayor, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall participate in a run-off special election to be held two weeks after the date of the regular election.
3.04 Terms of Office.
   The Mayor shall take office December 1st following his election and serve a period of four years. No person shall be elected to more than two full terms as Mayor.
(Charter Amendment 96-73, passed by the electorate on 11-5-1996)