A.   Purpose:
      1.   General: This section is intended to ensure that development of property within Form-Based Zones accomplishes the following:
         a.   Makes a positive contribution to the development pattern of the area;
         b.   New or altered structures are compatible with the design and use of existing structures on neighboring properties;
         c.   Respects the existing conditions and safety of neighboring properties; and
         d.   Does not adversely affect neighboring properties, with "adversely affect" meaning to impact in a substantial, negative manner the habitability or enjoyability of these properties.
      2.   Screening: Standards for screening, fences, and walls are adopted to help conserve and protect property, assure safety and security, enhance privacy, attenuate noise, and improve the visual environment of the neighborhood.
      3.   Landscaping: Standards for landscaping are adopted to help protect and enhance the environmental and visual quality of the community, enhance privacy, and control dust.
      4.   Parking And Loading: Standards for and limits on the development of motor vehicle and bicycle parking, and loading and access drives, are adopted to help ensure that development accomplishes the following:
         a.   Establishes and/or reinforces the character and scale of walkable, urban neighborhood environments, where development supports and is within a short walking distance of shopping, food and services;
         b.   Ensures the provision of appropriately designed bicycle parking, in order to increase bicycle trips and reduce motor vehicle trips per capita;
         c.   Appropriately limits, screens and landscapes motor vehicle parking, to protect and enhance the environmental and visual quality of the community, enhance privacy, attenuate noise, and control dust; and
         d.   Reduces motor vehicles trips per capita to and from development.
    B.   Screening:
      1.   Applicability: Screening in all Form-Based Zones is subject to the standards set forth in this sub-section and in section 14-4C-2L (Fences, Walls, And Hedges). Standards in Article 14-5F (Screening And Buffering Standards) only apply where stated otherwise.
      2.   Design Standards For Screening: Screening shall comply with the following:
         a.   Height Maximums: Screening shall not exceed the maximum height identified in Table 14-2H-4B-1 (Maximum Screening Height).
         b.   Screening Height Measurement: Screening height shall be measured as the vertical distance between the finished grade at the base of the screen and the top edge of the screen material.
Table 14-2H-4B-1: Maximum Screening Height
Maximum Height Allowed
Side St.
Table 14-2H-4B-1: Maximum Screening Height
Maximum Height Allowed
Side St.
T3 Neighborhood Edge
Free Standing Walls
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
T3 Neighborhood General
Free Standing Walls
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
T4 Neighborhood Small
Free Standing Walls
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
T4 Neighborhood Medium
Free Standing Walls
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
4' max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
8' max.
8' max.
No max.
T4 Main Street
Free Standing Walls
3' max.
3' max.
10' max.
10' max.
No max.
10' max.
10' max.
No max.
Key: X = Not Allowed
      3.   Screening On Retaining Walls: The total height of screens and the retaining walls that they are mounted on or attached to is up to six feet (6').
      4.   Mechanical Equipment Screening:
         a.   Mechanical equipment exempt from screening:
            (1)   Free-standing or roof-mounted solar equipment; and
            (2)   Vents over thirty inches (30") in height and located on a roof.
         b.   New installation or relocation of existing mechanical equipment shall be screened in compliance with this sub-section.
            (1)   Roof-Mounted Equipment: Building parapets or other architectural elements in the building's architecture style shall screen roof-mounted equipment.
               (a)   New buildings shall be designed to provide a parapet or other architectural element that is as tall or taller than the highest point on any new mechanical equipment to be located on the roof of the building;
               (b)   For existing buildings with no or low parapet heights, mechanical equipment shall be surrounded on all sides by an opaque screen wall as tall as the highest point of the equipment. The wall shall be architecturally consistent with the building and match the existing building with paint, finish, and trim cap detail; and
               (c)   All new roof screens are subject to Title 18 Site Plan Review.
            (2)   Wall- And Ground-Mounted Equipment:
               (a)   Shall not be located between the face of the building and the street;
               (b)   All screen devices shall be as high as the highest point of the equipment being screened. Equipment and screening shall be in compliance with the setbacks of the zone; screening shall be architecturally compatible and include matching paint, finish and trim cap of the building; and
               (c)   All new mechanical screens for ground or wall-mounted equipment are subject to Title 18 Site Plan Review.
   C.   Landscaping:
      1.   Applicability: Landscaping in all Form-Based Zones is subject to the standards set forth in this sub-section and to the general landscaping standards located in Article 14-5E (Landscaping And Tree Standards). Standards for landscaping in parking areas shall be in combination with sub-section 14-2H-4D (Parking And Loading).
      2.   Landscape Plan And Timing: A landscape plan shall be submitted for developments either at site plan review or building permit processes. The landscaping required by this sub-section shall be installed as part of the development or improvement requiring the landscaping.
      3.   Design Standards:
         a.   Acceptable required landscaping materials are defined as follows:
            (1)   Shrubs, of one-gallon size or larger;
            (2)   Street trees, of 15-gallon size or larger, and double-staked;
            (3)   Ground cover; and
            (4)   Decorative non-living landscaping materials including, but not limited to sand, stone, gravel, wood or water may be used to satisfy a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of required landscaping area when approved by the Director.
         b.   Species Selection: Native and drought tolerant species are encouraged to increase native plants and pollinator species. Tree diversity shall be incorporated using a maximum of five percent (5%) of any one species and maximum of ten percent (10%) of any one genus of tree unless otherwise approved by the Director. Trees should also be spatially distributed to avoid monoculture rows or blocks of any one species or genus. Shrubs and ground cover should also be diverse and spatially distributed to avoid large monoculture plantings.
         c.   Separation: Any landscaped area shall be separated from an adjacent vehicular area by a wall or curb at least six inches (6") higher than the adjacent vehicular area.
         d.   Existing Vegetation: Every effort shall be made to incorporate mature on-site trees into the required landscaping.
         e.   Maintenance: Required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean and healthy condition. This shall include pruning, mowing of lawns, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary, and the appropriate watering of all plantings.
   D.   Parking And Loading:
      1.   Applicability: On-site parking is allowed in all Form-Based Zones subject to the standards set forth in this this sub-section. Standards in Article 14-5A (Off-Street Parking And Loading) apply, except where superseded by this sub-section or section 14-2H-2 (Zones).
      2.   Number Of Parking And Loading Spaces:
         a.   The number of motor vehicle parking spaces required is listed in Item 7 (Parking) of the zone pursuant to Section 14-2H-2 (Zones).
         b.   On-site loading space(s) is not required.
      3.   General Parking Standards:
         a.   Sharing Of Non-Residential Parking Required:
            (1)   If on-site parking spaces for non-residential uses are provided, such spaces shall be made available for use by the general public during at least one (1) of the following time periods:
               (a)   Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; or
               (b)   Monday through Friday, 5:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. and all day on Saturday and Sunday.
            (2)   Owners and operators of these shared spaces are required to post a sign identifying that the spaces are shared along with other information as needed by the owner/operator.
         b.   Larger Vehicle Parking: Commercial vehicles more than seven and one-half feet (7½') in height may not be stored in any Form-Based Zone unless the standards of special vehicle parking and storage requirements are met pursuant to sub-section14-5A-5L (Special Vehicle Parking And Storage Requirements).
         c.   Storage Of Unregistered Or Inoperable Motor Vehicles: Automotive vehicles, trailers, or vehicles of any kind or type, requiring licenses, but without current plates or inoperable, shall be only parked within completely enclosed buildings.
         d.   Cargo Or Freight Container: Portable cargo or freight storage containers in any Form-Based Zone for purposes of loading or unloading, may be parked or stored on-premise for a period not to exceed ten (10) days in any one calendar year.
      4.   Traffic-Minimizing Parking Standards:
         a.   Carshare Parking Spaces:
            (1)   Carshare spaces shall be provided in the amounts specified in Table 14-2H-4D-1 (Required Carshare Parking Spaces).
Table 14-2H-4D-1: Required Carshare Parking Spaces
Carshare Parking Spaces Required
Table 14-2H-4D-1: Required Carshare Parking Spaces
Carshare Parking Spaces Required
0 - 49 units
50 - 100 units
101 or more units
2+ 1 per additional 200 units
Office-General, Office- Medical/Dental
10,000 sf
> 10,000 sf
1/10,000 sf
      5.   Parking Spaces, Design Site Design And Layout:
         a.   Access: Parking lot access and design is subject to the following standards:
            (1)   All on-site parking facilities shall be designed with an appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or an alley to cause the least interference with traffic flow.
            (2)   Parking spaces in any parking lot or parking structure shall not be designed or located so as to allow a vehicle to enter or exit a parking space directly from a public street. Ingress to and egress from parking spaces shall be from an on-site aisle or driveway, except parking spaces within design sites may be designed or located so as to allow a vehicle to enter or exit a parking space directly from a public alley or rear lane.
         b.   Driveways:
            (1)   Access To Driveways:
                (a)   Driveway access to and from developments of two (2) or fewer dwelling units onto public streets shall be where practical by forward motion of the vehicle; and
               (b)   Driveway access to and from developments of three (3) or more dwelling units onto public streets shall be by forward motion of the vehicle.
            (2)   Driveways shall extend to and include the area between the design site line and the edge of the street pavement.
         c.   Materials:
            (1)   All on-site parking areas and driveways shall be surfaced with materials as approved by the City Engineer and maintained in compliance with the City standards.
            (2)   The use of pervious or semi-pervious parking area surfacing materials, include, but are not limited to "grasscrete," or recycled materials including, but not limited to glass, rubber, used asphalt, brick, block and concrete, is subject to approval by the Director and City Engineer. Where possible, such materials should be used in areas in proximity to and in combination with on-site stormwater control devices.
         d.   Landscaping, Fencing, And Screening: The landscaping, fencing and screening standards identified in Table 14-2H-4D-3 (Required Parking Lot Landscaping) shall be applied with the standards of sub-section 14-2H-4B (Screening) and sub-section 14-2H-4C (Landscaping).
            (1)   Table 14-2H-4D-3 outlines required parking lot landscaping. Parking lot landscaping must include the required minimum landscaped medians and must meet the minimum percentage landscape requirement. The landscaped medians can count toward the minimum percentage requirement.
Table 14-2H-4D-3: Required Parking Lot Landscaping
Number Of Parking Spaces
Percent Of Gross Parking Area Required To Be Landscaped
Table 14-2H-4D-3: Required Parking Lot Landscaping
Number Of Parking Spaces
Percent Of Gross Parking Area Required To Be Landscaped
   6 or fewer
Curbed, landscaped median minimum 5' in width between every 5 spaces, property line, and building(s).
   7 to 15
4%; curbed, landscaped median minimum 5' in width between every 5 spaces, property line, and building(s).
   13 to 30
8%; curbed, landscaped median minimum 5' in width between every 5 spaces, property line, and building(s).
   31 to 70
12%; curbed, landscaped median minimum 5' in width between every 5 spaces, property line, and building(s).
   71 and over
16%; curbed, landscaped median minimum 5' in width between every 5 spaces, property line, and building(s).
Required Shade Trees
1 tree per 2,700 sf of gross design site area, minus buliding coverage (footprint).
   Pot Size
15 gallon
1.25" minimum
   Height At Installation
6' - 8' minimum
High branching, broad headed, shading form.
Evenly spaced throughout parking lot to provide uniform shade.
   Required Border
6" high curb or equivalent.
   Border And Stormwater
Curb shall include breaks every 4' to provide drainage to retention and filtration areas.
   Tree Well Size
5' min. in any direction; any vehicle overhang requires the minimum planter area width to be expanded by an equivalent dimension.
   Car Overhangs
Shall be prevented by stops.
            (2)   Parking and loading areas in the T4MS zone shall be screened from adjacent zones by a six foot (6') wall, fence, or evergreen.
            (3)   Parking area screening is not required when adjacent to an alley.
            (4)   For the portion of a parking area over which photo-voltaic solar collectors are installed where they also function as shade structures, the minimum standard for trees shall be waived, and shrubs and ground covers shall be planted for every eight (8) parking spaces.
         e.   Location: Location of on-site parking areas in all Form-Based Zones is regulated by minimum setbacks in section 14-2H-2 (Zones) and the following:
            (1)   Parking lots with twenty (20) or fewer spaces shall include a minimum five foot (5') wide sidewalk between the building and parking area; and
            (2)   Parking lots with more than twenty (20) spaces shall include a minimum five foot (5') wide sidewalk, and minimum five foot (5') wide landscaping between the building and the parking area.
            (3)   The above does not apply to the rear of buildings in areas designed for unloading and loading of materials.
         f.   Size Of Parking Lot: Parking lots larger than one-quarter of an acre in size shall be broken down into smaller parking areas with planted landscape areas with a minimum width of fifteen feet (15') between them to minimize the perceived scale of the total field of stalls.
         g.   Tandem Parking: Tandem parking is allowed in all Form-Based Zones for all uses as follows.
            (1)   Tandem spaces shall comply with size requirements in sub-section 14-5A-5C (Parking, Stacking Space Size, And Drive Dimensions);
            (2)   For residential parking, tandem parking only allowed for the spaces assigned to each unit; and
            (3)   For non-residential parking, tandem parking allowed subject to on-site parking management.
      6.   Bicycle Parking Standards:
         a.   Applicability: Bicycle parking standards apply in all Form-Based Zones.
         b.   Number Of Bicycle Parking Spaces And Standards: Bicycle parking shall be provided in compliance with the standards of Article 14-5A (Off Street Parking And Loading Standards).
            (1)   Buildings with three (3) or more units are subject to the multi-family use bicycle parking standards.
            (2)   Bicycle parking is not required of single family and two (2) family uses, and cottage court developments, see sub-section 14-2H-6H (Cottage Court).
   E.   Adjustments To Standards:
      1.   Allowed Adjustments: This sub-section allows flexibility to adjust certain standards of this article. Adjustments shall be processed as part of the preliminary plat and final plat processes per Title 15 (Land Subdivisions) or as minor adjustments during the site plan and/or building permit review process, as applicable. Minor adjustments may be approved where the required findings are met as identified in Table 14-2H-4E-1. Standards may be adjusted as identified in this sub-section.
      2.   Minor Modifications: Additional flexibility is provided through the minor modification process subject to standards at Section 14-4B-1 (Minor Modifications).
Table 14-2H-4E-1: Adjustments To Standards
Eligible Standards And Allowed Adjustments
Required Findings
Adjustment/Amount Of Adjustment
Table 14-2H-4E-1: Adjustments To Standards
Eligible Standards And Allowed Adjustments
Required Findings
Adjustment/Amount Of Adjustment
Design Site
Design Site Dimensions (Depth/Width)
Decrease in the minimum required or increase the maximum allowed.
1   The adjustment accommodates an existing feature including, but not limited, to a tree or utility; and
2   An existing or new design site can still be developed in compliance with the standards of the zone.
Up to 10% of the standard.
Building Setbacks
Facade Within Facade Zone
Reduction of the minimum amount of facade required within the facade zone.
1   The adjustment accommodates an existing feature including, but not limited, to a tree or utility.
2   The proposed development is visually compatible with adjacent development and the intended physical character of the zone.
Up to 20% of the standard.
Building Footprint
Size of Main Body or Wing(s)
Increase in the allowed length or width.
1   The adjustment accommodates an existing feature including, but not limited, to a tree or utility.
2   The wing(s) maintains the required 5' offset from the main body.
3   The building complies with the setbacks of the zone.
4   The proposed development is visually compatible with adjacent development and the intended physical character of the zone.
Up to 10% of the standard.
Parking Location1
Front Setback
Reduction in the required parking setback.
1   The adjustment accommodates an existing feature including, but not limited, to a tree or utility.
2   If accessed from the street, the driveway complies with the Form-Based Zone standards.
3   The ground floor space is in compliance with the Form-Based Zone standards.
Up to 10% of the standard.
Maximum Screening Height
Increase in the total height of screens and the retaining walls that they are mounted on or attached to beyond 6'.
1   There will be little or no impact on the adjoining properties or the surrounding neighborhood.
2   The height is necessary to achieve the objectives of this sub-section or is required for health and safety.
Up to 33% of the standard.
Affordable Housing
Zones (14-2H-2)
Select one of the following minor adjustments.
1   The adjustment is in a building that contains Affordable Housing units.2
2   The adjustment fits the characteristics of the site and the surrounding neighborhood.
3   The adjustment is consistent with the intent of the standard being adjusted and the goals of the Comprehensive and District Plans.
Building type design site depth may be adjusted by up to 15'3; or
Building type design site width may be adjusted by up to 15%; or
Minimum amount of facade required within the facade zone may be reduced by up to 20%.
Building Type Standards (14-2H-6)
Select one of the following minor adjustments.
1   The adjustment is in a building that contains Affordable Housing units.2
2   The adjustment fits the characteristics of the site and the surrounding neighborhood.
3   The adjustment is consistent with the intent and the standard being adjusted and the goals of the Comprehensive and District Plans.
Building main body and wing standards may be adjusted by up to 15%; or
Maximum building height may be increased by up to 0.5 stories.4
Additional Minor Adjustments
Select an additional minor adjustment each for the two sets of minor adjustments for affordable housing described above.
The Affordable Housing units are income restricted to households making 50% or less of the Area Median Income.2
An additional minor adjustment to each of the minor adjustments described for Affordable Housing above.
1   In compliance with section 14-2H-8 (Frontage Standards).
2   In compliance with section 14-2H-10 (Affordable Housing Incentives).
3   This may be combined with other reductions in section 14-2H-2 (Zones) up to a combined maximum of 25'.
4   With this adjustment, the building height may exceed the maximum standards for primary buildings found in item 4a (Building Form; Height) of section 14-2H-2 (Zones) by 0.5 stories and by 5'.
(Ord. 21-4866, 11-16-2021)