Purchases of supplies, materials or equipment, the cost of which is less than two thousand and one dollars ($2,001) (or such other amount which may be established by the Council by resolution) may be made in the open market by the Agent, but such purchase shall be based on competitive prices and shall be awarded to the lowest competent bidder, except as otherwise provided herein.
   (a)   The Agent may solicit prices verbally, by telephone or by written communication; provided that where bids are solicited by written communication, a copy of such request for bids shall be posted in the City Hall.
   (b)   In determining the competency of a bidder the Agent shall be guided by his or her judgment of the ability of the bidder to provide the required material or services in compliance with the specifications set forth. If the purchase is not made from the lowest bidder, a statement of the reasons for placing the order with a higher bidder shall be prepared by the Agent and filed with the purchase order; provided, that when the amount of the transaction shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more (or such other amount which may be established by the Council by resolution) the Agent shall report such purchase to the Council with a copy of the required statement.
(Ord. 362. Passed 3-1-94.)