All such establishments shall comply with all of the following items:
(A) Adequate toilet facilities conveniently located within the establishment to be licensed, including separate toilet rooms for men and women.
(B) Toilet rooms shall not open directly into any food processing room. Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, well lighted and ventilated. Lavatory facilities conveniently located shall be provided with hot and cold running water; hand-washing signs shall be posted in each toilet room used by employees.
(C) All food stored shall be elevated at least 12 inches above the floor unless packaged in water-tight containers, and free of possible source of contamination.
(D) No food shall be stored below sewer lines.
(E) Metal sinks shall be provided for the purpose of cleaning utensils and tools in the handling, display or dispensing of foods.
(F) All dairy products and eggs must be kept under refrigeration at all times at or below a temperature of 50°F.
(G) Buildings must be free from contaminating surroundings and be rodent-proof.
(H) Living or sleeping rooms in direct connection with any part of a food establishment shall not be permitted.
(I) An adequate supply of running hot water shall be piped to all sinks. Where a storage tank is used, the minimum capacity shall be 30 gallons.
(J) All work tables and benches must be of a tight smooth material, free from cracks and easily cleaned.
(K) All employees shall have food handler certificates of current issue.
(‘68 Code, § 4-902) (Ord. 424, passed 8-21-72) Penalty, see § 10.99
Bakeries as herein defined shall be subject to the following additional regulations:
(A) Metal sinks shall be provided to thoroughly clean mixing bowls, pots, pans, fixtures and parts of machinery used in the preparation of baked goods. Sinks shall be large enough to receive the largest utensil used. Brushes shall be used to aid in the cleaning processes.
(B) Frying kettles shall be placed at least one foot from any wall; and the wall shall be protected by a smooth, nonporous metal shield to splash height. A hood shall be provided and suspended at least seven feet above the floor and extending at least one foot beyond edge of frying kettle, and shall be vented to the outside air and equipped with a fan or blower capable of removing all smoke, odors and vapor. No vent over sidewalk will be permitted.
(C) The term custard mix and custard filler as used herein shall refer to any product, consisting principally of flour, sugar, eggs and milk, with or without cornstarch, heated, cooled and applied to pastry without subsequent heating. The provisions of this division shall also apply to custard-filled pastry com monly designated as cream puffs and eclairs which may be heated subsequent to filling.
(1) The entire custard mix to be used in the manufacture of custard-filled pastry shall be brought to a temperature of not less than 200° F, maintained at not less than that temperature for a period of not less than ten minutes, and within one hour thereafter placed in a refrigerating temperature of not over 50° F and kept at or below such temperature until applied to the pastry.
(2) No custard-filled pastry shall be sold either wholesale or retail or transported for retail delivery unless it shall bear prominently displayed on the outside thereof in legible letters the name of the manufacturing baker, the day of manufacture and the following statement: “REFRIGERATE.”
(3) No custard-filled pastry shall be kept, displayed or offered for sale in or from any bakery, store, place or vehicle unless it shall have been refrigerated at a temperature not over 50° F from the time of manufacture until the time of delivery to the consumer.
(4) Only wholesome ingredients shall be used in the preparation of baked goods.
(5) No baked goods shall be exposed to dust, dirt or other contamination.
(‘68 Code, § 4-903) (Ord. 424, passed 8-21-72) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke or attempt to smoke any cigarette, cigar, pipe or tobacco in any form while in bed or while lying down in any rented or rentable room in any hotel, or to set fire to, or cause to be burned, any furniture, drapery or furnishings within said rooms by reason of such smoking or attempt at smoking.
(B) The licensee of each hotel shall post and maintain in a conspicuous place in the lobby and in each rented or rentable room thereof a plainly printed notice advising as to the foregoing provisions relating to smoking and ignition of fires.
(‘68 Code, § 4-1104) (Ord. 479, passed 10-21-74) Penalty, see § 10.99
Fire prevention, see Chapter 92