(A) It shall be unlawful for any person, tenant, occupant or the owner of property to park or permit to be parked any inoperable vehicle on any property in the city without a permit as provided in this subchapter.
(B) Application shall be made to the City Clerk within 48 hours after any inoperable vehicle has been parked in any zoning district as herein set forth and by filing on a form furnished by the City Clerk a statement of the following:
(1) Address of the premises where the vehicle is to be parked;
(2) Name and address of the owner or person in control of the premises, and a statement attesting to his permission for such vehicle to be parked and the date of such permission;
(3) Name and address of the registered owner of the inoperable vehicle for which the permit is sought; the registration or title shall be presented to the officer issuing the permit;
(4) Description of the inoperable vehicle for which a permit is sought, as to make, model, year of manufacture, last license issued and condition which rendered it inoperable;
(5) Estimated length of time, not to exceed 60 days, for which the permit is being requested in order to restore the vehicle to operating condition;
(6) The signature of the applicant.
(‘68 Code, § 5-802) (Ord. 266, passed 7-18-66) Penalty, see § 10.99
The City Clerk, upon recommendation of the Police Department, may issue a permit based on a proper application. Such permit shall be valid for a period not to exceed 30 days from date of application. A copy of such permit shall be posted inside the vehicle for which it was issued by affixing to the windshield or window so as to be readily visible at all times.
(‘68 Code, § 5-803) (Ord. 266, passed 7-18-66; Am. Ord. 713, passed 2-15-93) Penalty, see § 10.99
The City Clerk shall collect a permit fee at the time of issuance of such permit for storage of an inoperable vehicle. The City Council may from time to time establish by resolution the amount of such permit fee.
(‘68 Code, § 5-806) (Ord. 266, passed 7-18-66; Am. Ord. 713, passed 2-15-93)
Every permit for storage of an inoperable vehicle on private property shall be subject to the conditions that:
(A) No nuisance or safety hazard shall be created or maintained;
(B) All broken glass or partially detached parts shall be either removed and disposed of as rubbish or secured in a manner to prevent hazard;
(C) Trunk or storage compartment shall be kept locked or otherwise secured adequately to prevent possible entrapment of a child;
(D) Wheels or tires shall not be removed from the vehicle except for repairs;
(E) The last issued license plates shall be kept on the vehicle;
(F) The vehicle shall not be elevated or blocked in any unsafe manner;
(G) All parts or components removed from the vehicle shall not be stored in the open;
(H) No waste oil or other fluid shall be allowed to flow on the ground or pavement;
(I) The vehicle may be parked only in the rear yard of residential property;
(J) No violation of the zoning code shall be created;
(K) All information furnished by the applicant as required by Section 5-802 is essentially correct, and any false statement will be a violation of this subchapter;
(L) Repair of vehicles of others is prohibited; and
(M) No more than one inoperable vehicle shall be permitted on any premises.
(‘68 Code, § 5-804) (Ord. 266, passed 7-18-66) Penalty, see § 10.99
Any permit issued under authority of this subchapter may be revoked at the discretion of the City Clerk when in his opinion a violation of this subchapter exists. Notice of such revocation shall be delivered to the permittee or posted conspicuously on the vehicle, along with a notice to cease storing said vehicle and to remove it to a proper storage or disposal location. The permittee shall remove the vehicle within ten days after receiving said notice, or after the notice is posted.
(‘68 Code, § 5-805) (Ord. 266, passed 7-18-66) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The Mayor or his duly authorized representative may remove or cause to be removed any inoperable vehicle as defined in § 90.20 or parts of such vehicle from any unenclosed private property where the owner of said vehicle or person in charge thereof has not secured the proper permit under the terms of this subchapter, after having notified, in writing, the owner or occupant of such property the intention to do so at least 48 hours prior to such removal. Such notice shall be served personally upon the owner or occupant of the property, if occupied, or may be posted in a conspicuous place upon vacant or unoccupied property or upon the vehicle itself.
(B) In addition to the foregoing, if a motor vehicle has remained on public property or any other place open to travel by the public for a period of time so that it appears to the city to be abandoned, the city shall do the following:
(1) Determine if the vehicle has been reported stolen.
(2) Affix a written notice to the vehicle. The written notice shall contain all of the following information:
(a) The date and time the notice was affixed.
(b) The name and address of the city agency taking the action.
(c) The name and badge number of the officer or employee of the city affixing the notice.
(d) The date and time the vehicle may be taken into custody and stored at the owner’s expense if the vehicle is not removed.
(e) The year, make and vehicle identification number of the vehicle.
(C) The Mayor or his duly authorized representative may remove or cause to be removed any abandoned vehicle, as defined in § 90.20, or parts of such motor vehicle which has remained on public property or any other place open to travel by the public for a period of 48 hours after the city has affixed a written notice to the vehicle. If the vehicle is not removed within 48 hours after the notice was affixed to the vehicle, the vehicle shall be deemed abandoned.
(‘68 Code, § 5-807) (Ord. 266, passed 7-18-66; Am. Ord. 789, passed 3-19-01; Am. Ord. 857, passed 4-17-17)