(A)   A consent agreement may be entered into at any time by and between the city and the person or persons alleged to have caused or contributed to the violation. The consent agreement shall be mutually acceptable to both the city and the recipient(s) and shall reflect the recipient’s agreement to assume responsibility for and correct violations of this chapter, rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter, and approvals issued hereunder.
   (B)   The consent agreement shall contain a short statement of facts, describe the actions necessary to correct the noncompliance, contain a compliance schedule, and be signed by all parties. The agreement may contain a monetary or other relief as agreed to by the parties for the noncompliance, including, without limitation, amounts necessary to compensate the city for costs incurred investigating, administering and/or enforcing this chapter or rules promulgated hereto.
(Ord. 826, passed 11-9-09)