For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them as follows.
   CHANGE OF USE. Any change in the use of an existing building that results in the increase of vehicular trips.
   DEVELOPMENT. Any activity which requires discretionary or ministerial action by the city resulting in the issuance of grading, building, plumbing, mechanical or electrical permits, or certificates of occupancy issued by the city to construct, or change the use of, a building or property. Where DEVELOPMENT applies to an enlargement of an existing building, or a change of use of an existing building that results in increased vehicle trips, the average weekday trips shall be only the additional trips in excess of those associated with the existing use.
   FEE STUDY. The studies prepared by CVAG and adopted by the City Council, which supports the fee established by this chapter, and includes all the underlying reports and documents referenced therein.
   IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE. The schedule of development impact fees approved by resolution of the City Council.
   MITIGATION FEE ACT. The law set forth in the California Government Code (Government Code §§ 66000 et seq.) that establishes the criteria for establishing a fee as a condition of approval of a development project.
   REGIONAL SYSTEM. The regional system of roads, streets and highways identified by CVAG in its 2016 Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) to accommodate growth in the Coachella Valley to the year 2040. Only those projects scoring above seven and one-half points in the TPPS are included for TUMF consideration.
   TRANSPORTATION MITIGATION TRUST FUND. The fund established pursuant to this chapter.
   TUMF. The Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee established by this chapter.
(Ord. 1786, passed 11-2-22)