(A)   (1)   Building permits shall be issued by the Director of Public Works per §§ 152.01 through 152.05, 152.20 through 152.26, and 152.40 through 152.42 when the submitted plans are found to be in compliance with all applicable deed restrictions, city ordinances, and county and state building requirements.
      (2)   A building permit shall not be issued by the Director of Public Works if plans are found to not be in compliance with any of these restrictions and regulations.
   (B)   In the event a permit is denied by the Director of Public Works and the applicant believes a permit should be issued, the applicant may bring the case for a permit to the City Council for final determination. The Council will not ignore any deed restriction and cannot override any county or state requirement; however, it will provide a final judgment as to a plan’s compliance with city ordinance requirements.
   (C)   An appeal of a permit denial must be delivered to the Mayor or City Clerk within 45 days of the permit’s denial. If the appeal is not delivered within this period and the applicant still wants to pursue a permit, a new permit must be applied for and will be subject to analysis and issuance or denial based on its merits.
(2008 Code, § 15.10.150)