§ 152.26 STOP ORDERS.
   (A)   At the option of the city, any construction as defined in this subchapter may be ordered stopped. Upon notice from the city that any violation exists or is being maintained contrary to the provisions of this subchapter or the regulations of the city, such violation shall be remedied immediately but in no event later than 30 days for notice thereof.
   (B)   If more than 30 days, the deposit may be forfeited. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property or his or her agent, or to the person so using the property and shall state specifically the regulation being violated.
   (C)   The notice may also be given by posting upon the subject property or by certified mail, return receipt requested, effective one day after mailing to the person so violating after two reasonable efforts personally to serve the notice have failed, or may be served by facsimile.
(2008 Code, § 15.08.120)