121.01 MEETINGS.
   (a)    Regular meetings of Council shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers of the municipal building, unless a quorum is not present on such day.
   (b)    Workshop meetings of Council shall be held at the discretion of the Mayor or Vice Mayor at the time set forth in the notice of meeting.
   (c)    "Workshop meetings" shall be open meetings of the Council. No official business or official action may be conducted or taken at such meetings unless a unanimous number of the Council members present decide otherwise. Council, in its sole discretion, may accept public participation during workshop sessions.
   (d)    All meetings of Council shall commence at the time, place, and in a manner as expressly set forth in the public notification issued pursuant to Codified Ordinance Section 105.02 . (Ord. 2021-163. Passed 12-14-21.)