The following standards and procedures shall be applied by the Building Official and Planning Commission in reviewing an application for development in the Protected Hillside Zone areas:
   (a)   Control of Erosion and Sedimentation. Plans shall meet the standards of Chapter 1380.
   (b)   Gradients. The following standards will be applied to the Protected Hillside Zone areas:
      (1)    Driveways. No driveways will exceed a maximum gradient of ten percent (10%).
      (2)    Embankments. Fill areas may not exceed three feet horizontal to one foot vertical slope.
      (3)    Excavations. Cut areas may not exceed a two and one half horizontal to one foot vertical slope.
   (c)   Exception. An applicant may request an exception to the requirements of this Section 1383.08(a) when compliance would prevent reasonable development of the subject site. To request such an exception, an applicant shall submit an alternative method of meeting the purpose of this Chapter, as stated in Section 1383.01. To demonstrate such an alternative, the applicant shall submit sufficient documentation in the form of engineering plans, geotechnical reports and/or plans, schematic designs, financial information indicating the practicality of the proposed alternative, and any other information deemed necessary by the City Engineer and/or the Planning Commission. In evaluating this proposed exception, the Planning Commission, after considering a recommendation from the City Engineer, shall determine that:
      (1)    The proposed alternative substantially complies with all specific requirements and with the intent of the Protected Hillside Zone areas; and
      (2)    The exception, as proposed, shall have no adverse impact upon the subject site, the surrounding properties or upon the health, safety or general welfare of the community.
         (Ord. 2017-114. Passed 12-12-17.)