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Imlay City Overview
Imlay City, MI Code of Ordinances
City of Imlay City Zoning Ordinance
Section 3.1 Election Districts; Voting Precincts:
   The City shall constitute one ward and two voting precincts, except that the Election Commission may establish additional precincts not in excess of the number required by law. The Election Commission shall fix the location of the polling places.
Section 3.2 Qualification of Electors:
   The residents of the city having the qualification of electors in the State of Michigan shall be electors of the city.
Section 3.3 Election Procedures:
   The election of all city officers shall be on a non-partisan basis. The general election statutes shall apply to and control, as near as may be, all procedures relating to registration and election except as such statutes relate to political parties or partisan procedures and except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
Section 3.4 Election Dates:
   A regular city election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May in each odd-numbered year.
(Amended 5-8-07)
Section 3.5 Elective Officers and Terms of Office:
   The elective officers of the City shall be a City Commission of 7 members, one of whom shall in turn be elected by the commission as City Mayor. At each regular city election, four commissioners shall be elected on a single ballot. Each elector shall be entitled to vote for not more than four candidates. The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of four years and the candidate receiving the fourth highest number of votes shall be elected for a term of two years, all such terms shall commence at the first regular or special meeting following the certification of the election results.
(Amended 11-5-20)
Section 3.6 Nominations:
   The method of nomination of the elective officers shall be by petition signed by not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty qualified electors of the city. No person shall sign his or her name to a greater number of petitions for office than there will be persons elected to said office at said election. Where the signature of any individual appears on more petitions than he or she is so permitted to sign, such signatures shall be counted only to the extent he or she is so permitted to sign in the order of the respective dates of filing the petitions containing such signatures.
   Nominating petitions shall be filed with the City Clerk by 4:00 p.m. on the fifteenth Tuesday preceding the election. The Clerk shall publish notice of the last day so permitted for filing petitions at least one week before, and not more than three weeks before, such last day.
   The form of petition shall be substantially as that designated by the Secretary of State for the nomination of non-partisan judicial officers. A supply of official petition forms shall be provided by the Clerk.
(Amended 11-5-20)