   97.01   Address number required
   97.02   Definitions
   97.03   Application
   97.04   Posting
   97.05   Numerals
   97.06   New construction
   97.07   Multiple address numbers
   97.08   Private streets
   97.09   Electrical service
   97.10   Enforcement agent
   97.99   Penalty
   Each dwelling and each principal building within the city shall obtain and display an assigned address number. An address number shall only be issued for a public or private street.
(Ord. 19, passed 3-1-94) Penalty, see § 97.99
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms are hereby defined:
   ASSIGNED ADDRESS NUMBER. An address number which has been designated for a site by Detroit Edison prior to the effective date of this chapter or by the city agent after the effective date of this chapter.
   PRINCIPAL BUILDING. The main building located on a parcel or lot. Garages, pole barns, and other buildings which are normally accessory to other structures shall not be deemed to be principal buildings unless they are provided with a separate electrical meter.
   PRIVATE STREET. A non-public street which has been approved by the city in compliance with city ordinances. Easements and private drives shall not be deemed to be private streets.
(Ord. 19, passed 3-1-94)
   All applicants for building permits for construction of a dwelling or other principal building shall also apply for an address number for the structure. The number shall be issued by the designated agent of the city as soon as all required information is provided by the applicant.
(Ord. 19, passed 3-1-94)
§ 97.04 POSTING.
   Each dwelling or other principal building on a parcel of land within the city shall post the assigned address number. The number must be visible from the street. Whenever a dwelling or principal building is located more than 100 feet from the center of a public or private street, or is otherwise difficult to see from the street, the owner shall post the address number at the point at which the driveway enters the public or private street.
(Ord. 19, passed 3-1-94) Penalty, see § 97.99
§ 97.05 NUMERALS.
   Each posted address number shall consist of numerals at least three inches in height and of a contrasting color to the attached surface.
(Ord. 19, passed 3-1-94) Penalty, see § 97.99