(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the Business Park District is to provide for office buildings, research and development buildings and certain light industries which complement the appearance and function of the office environment, all of which would be in a planned and landscaped setting.
   (B)   Permitted principal uses.
      (1)   Office buildings;
      (2)   Research and development buildings;
      (3)   Financial institutions;
      (4)   Tennis, racquet and athletic clubs; and
      (5)   Restaurants.
   (C)   Conditional uses. Light industry, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   A very limited number of truck docking facilities and a low degree of traffic by semi-trailer trucks;
      (2)   A well-landscaped site;
      (3)   Architectural compatibility with an office park, namely:
         (a)   Equal facade treatment on all sides; and
         (b)   No truck docks or truck doors on the street side of a building; docks and doors on the side of a building must be screened by landscaping or wing walls.
      (4)   Office-showroom buildings, subject to the following conditions:
         (a)   A well-landscaped site; and
         (b)   Truck doors screened by landscaping, wing walls or the building.
   (D)   Accessory uses. Allowable accessory uses include any structure normally associated with the permitted principal or conditional uses.
   (E)   Dimensional requirements; BP District.
      (1)   Setbacks.
Item Set Back From
Building Setback
Accessory Building Setback
Parking Lot or Circulation Drive
Interior lot line
20 feet
6 feet
10 feet
Residential zoning boundary
75 feet
50 feet
30 feet
Street right-of-way
30 feet
30 feet
20 feet
      (2)   Maximum building height.
         (a)   Principal structure: 40 feet; and
         (b)   Accessory structure: 20 feet.
   (F)   Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to:
      (1)   Site plan review;
      (2)   Access, parking and loading;
      (3)   Landscaping and lighting;
      (4)   Fences;
      (5)   Signs;
      (6)   Outdoor storage and displays;
      (7)   Building facade materials;
      (8)   Pole buildings; and
      (9)   Pollution.
(2004 Code, § 154.069) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996; Ord. 16-751, passed 2-9-2016)