(A) Purpose. The C-3 Central Commercial District is intended to provide an area for the grouping of general retail sales establishments, offices and services which serve city residents and the surrounding area. The C-3 District provisions and boundaries are intended to promote compatible land use relationships among diverse types of uses and encourage well-planned development or expansion in accord with the approved Comprehensive Plan. Only those uses which substantially interfere with the overall function of the general commercial area will be excluded. On-site parking is not required in this district.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted as regulated herein, without special application requirements or conditions attached. Similar uses may be allowed upon the determination of the City Council:
(1) Trade and services: any retail store or personal service business subject to all regulations and permits and licenses as may be required by law; and, further provided that, the use is not objectionable due to noise, fumes, smoke, odor or vibration, including the following and other similar uses;
(2) Cultural facilities;
(3) Trade and business schools;
(4) Catering establishments;
(5) Employment agencies;
(6) Game and amusement arcades;
(7) Hotels and motels;
(8) Interior decorating service and sales;
(9) Offices for corporations and professionals;
(10) Publishing, job printing and blueprinting;
(11) Post offices and other public service operations;
(12) Restaurants;
(13) Taverns;
(14) Theaters;
(15) Commercial parking lots;
(16) Pawnbroker establishments;
(17) Massage service establishments; and
(18) Upper level apartment units.
(C) Conditional permitted uses.
(1) Commercial parking ramps for passenger vehicles only; provided, a reservoir space is provided within the structure for holding cars awaiting entrance, which reservoir space shall have a capacity of no less than two vehicles;
(2) New or used automobile sales; indoor display area only;
(3) Motor fuel and service stations, excluding major repair operation. See App. B to this chapter for the off-street parking schedule;
(4) A state licensed residential facility serving from seven through 16 persons;
(5) Group homes up to 5,000 square feet;
(6) All licensed day care facilities which are not permitted principal uses under state law;
(7) Single-family residences applying for additions, decks, garages, remodeling or other single-family related uses;
(8) (a) Drive-through windows (specific considerations of traffic impact, accessibility to appropriate roadways, site plan consideration and other relevant information would be part of the application review); and
(b) Conditions for residential facilities, group homes, crisis shelters and licensed day care facilities shall not be imposed which are more restrictive than those imposed on conditional uses or other multi-family residential property in the same district, unless the additional conditions are necessary to protect the health or the safety of the residents of the residential facility.
(9) The requirements of § 154.115 of this chapter shall apply to the conditional uses described in this section;
(10) Tattoo establishments;
(11) Brew pubs;
(12) Tap rooms; and
(13) Micro-distillery cocktail rooms.
(14) Light-manufacturing, outdoor storage of materials and equipment is not allowed.
(D) Dimensional requirements; C-3 Districts.
(1) Setbacks.
Item Set Back From | Building Setback | Accessory Building Setback | Parking Lot or Circulation Drive |
Interior lot line | 0 feet | 0 feet | 0 feet |
Residential zoning boundary | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Street right-of-way | 0 feet | 20 feet | 5 feet |
(2) Lot dimension requirements.
(a) Minimum lot area: none stipulated;
(b) Minimum lot width: none stipulated; and
(c) Minimum lot depth: none stipulated.
(3) Maximum building height.
(a) None; except that, Council approval is required for any structure in excess of six stories or 75 feet; and
(b) Accessory structure: 20 feet.
(1) Site plan review;
(2) Access, parking and loading;
(3) Landscaping and lighting;
(4) Fences;
(5) Signs;
(6) Outdoor storage and displays;
(7) Building facade materials;
(8) Pole buildings; and
(9) Pollution.
(2004 Code, § 154.063) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996; Ord. 96-167, passed 6-10-1996; Ord. 96-182, passed 11-12-1996; Ord. 03-357, passed 10-14-2003; Ord. 05-0403, passed 5-10-2005; Ord. 12-0689, passed 7-10-2012; Ord. 14-0733, passed 9-9-2014; Ord. 16-750, passed 2-9-2016; Ord. 16-751, passed 2-9-2016; Ord. 21-824, passed 7-13-2021) Penalty, see § 154.999