(A)   A written storm water management plan shall be filed with the City Engineer as required by this chapter. The storm water management plan shall include a statement indicating the grounds upon which the approval is requested, that the proposed use is permitted in the underlying zoning district and adequate evidence showing the proposed use will conform to the standards set forth in this chapter and the Minnesota Storm Water Manual (hereinafter referred to as the Manual). Prior to seeking approval of a storm water management plan, it is recommended that the storm water management plan be reviewed by any affected public agencies.
   (B)   Two sets of legible copies of the drawings and required information shall be submitted to the City Engineer at the time of plat approval or when applying for a building permit. Plans shall be prepared to a scale appropriate to the site of the project and suitable for performing the review.
   (C)   At a minimum, the storm water management plan shall contain the following information. A written storm water management report discussing the pre- and post-development hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, erosion and sedimentation control during and after construction, protective measures for proposed and existing structures, and water quality concerns shall also be provided. For additional information, refer to storm water management approval standards in §§ 54.035 through 54.042 of this chapter.
(2004 Code, § 54.10) (Ord. 07-0462, passed 4-24-2007)