(A)   Calculation of sewer service charges. Sewer service charges shall be computed according to the rates and formula presented in this subchapter.
   (B)   Sewer service charge billing period. Sewer service charges shall be billed by the city to the sewer users on a quarterly basis or as determined by the Council.
   (C)   Payment of sewer service charges. Those persons billed by the city for the sewer service charges shall pay the charges within ten days after the billing date at the City Hall.
   (D)   Delinquent bills; penalties. Any bill not paid in full ten days after the due date will be considered delinquent. At that time, the city shall require the delinquent owner or occupant to pay a penalty in addition to the original bill. The penalty shall be computed as 5% of the original bill. If delinquent bills are not paid they may be deemed delinquent and may be placed, together with penalties as provided by statute, on the next year’s tax roll and be collected as other taxes are collected. Change of ownership or occupancy of premises found delinquent shall not be cause for reducing or eliminating these penalties.
   (E)   Delinquent bills; responsibility. Payment of charges and penalties is the ultimate responsibility of the property owner. The city reserves the right to trace the delinquent bill or penalty to the new address of the delinquent occupant.
(2004 Code, § 53.107) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988)