(A)   Sewer service charge unit costs. For purposes of determining proportionate user charges, determine the annual OM&R budget. Calculation of unit costs for treatment of flow, BOD, suspended solids (TSS) and nitrogen (TKN) shall be determined and fixed annually in the sewer service charge system according to the procedures contained in Appendix E of the March 1988 report entitled, “Sewer Service Charge System for Wastewater Treatment Facilities” for the city.
   (B)   Category A sewer service charge. Calculation of Category A sewer service charges shall be determined and fixed annually in the sewer service charge system according to the procedures contained in Appendix E of the above referenced March 1988 rate study report.
   (C)   Category B sewer service charge.
      (1)   The Category B sewer service charge shall be computed in accordance with the formula presented below:
         T = FQ + (V x CV) + .00834 V (B x CB + S x CS + N x CN)
         where: T = total sewer service charge; FQ = fixed quarterly charge; B = concentration of BOD in mg/l in the wastewater above 200 mg/l; S = concentration of suspended solids in mg/l in the wastewater above 300 mg/l; N = concentration of nitrogen in mg/l in the wastewater above 45 mg/l; V = wastewater volume in 1,000 gallons; CV = Category A volume charge cost per 1,000 gallons; CB = cost per pound of BOD; CS = cost per pound of suspended solids; CN = cost per pound of nitrogen; and 0.00834 = conversion factor.
      (2)   The above formula shall not be construed to give credits for a waste strength less than domestic concentrations for BOD, suspended solids or nitrogen.
      (3)   The charge for BOD in mg/l in the wastewater above 200 mg/l, based on the total pounds of BOD, shall be $0.32 per pound.
   (D)   Reassignment of sewer users. The Council will reassign sewer users into appropriate sewer service charge categories if wastewater sampling programs or other related information indicate a change of categories is necessary.
(2004 Code, § 53.103) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988; Ord. 05-400, passed 4-12-2005)