§ 53.093 APPEAL.
   (A)   Any interested party shall have the right to request in writing an interpretation or ruling on any matter covered by this subchapter and shall be entitled to a written reply from the city.
   (B)   Any decision of the City Engineer in the enforcement of this subchapter may be appealed to the Council by filing a written petition with the City Administrator within 30 days of the City Engineer’s ruling. The petition shall specify in detail the matter or matters involved and every ground or basis on which objections are made. The petition shall show the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all objectors and their attorney at law or spokesperson. The filing of a petition in accordance with the requirements herein shall stay all proceedings unless the City Engineer shall file within 72 hours after the filing of a petition a certificate stating that a stay would cause peril to life or property or specifying other good reason. The Council shall fix a reasonable time for hearing of the petition or appeal and give due notice of the time and place of the hearing to parties named in the petition as attorney or spokesperson. The hearing shall be open to the public. Petitioners shall be given full opportunity to present evidence in support of their petition, after which the City Engineer may present evidence in support of his or her decision.
   (C)   The Council shall decide the appeal within a reasonable time and notify the attorney or spokesperson. The minutes of the Council shall constitute the official record of the petition, hearing and decision. Any party desiring a transcript of the proceedings shall furnish a qualified court reporter at their own expense.
(2004 Code, § 53.088) (Ord. 727, passed 12-12-1985)