(A)   Self-monitoring reports.
      (1)   A condition of the wastewater discharge permit shall include the completion and submittal of accurate routine self-monitoring reports to the City Engineer in the form as required. The nature and frequency of routine reporting shall be based upon the information provided in the permit application form. The City Engineer may modify the reporting frequency for a particular permittee based on the permittee’s industrial waste characteristics. Permittees subject to national categorical pretreatment standards shall submit reports to the City Engineer in accordance with the applicable national categorical pretreatment standards. These reports shall be submitted to the City Engineer during the months of July and January, unless required more frequently in the pretreatment standard or by the City Engineer. The report shall indicate the nature and concentration of pollutants in the effluent which are limited by pretreatment standards and include a record of all daily flows which during the reporting period exceeded the average daily flow.
      (2)   Wastewater discharge records of a permittee shall be kept by the permittee for a period of not less than three years. The permittee shall provide the City Engineer reasonable access to these records during normal business hours. A permittee subject to an applicable national categorical pretreatment standard shall maintain all records required by 40 C.F.R. part 403, “General Pretreatment Regulations”.
   (B)   Monitoring facilities.
      (1)   Each permittee that is required to do so by the City Engineer, shall provide and operate, at the permittee’s own expense, monitoring facilities to allow inspection, sampling and flow measurement of the building sewer and internal drainage systems at the city’s request. Whenever possible, existing manholes, cleanouts and water meters will be used to meet these requirements. The monitoring facility should normally be situated on the user’s premises, but the City Engineer may, when such a location would be impractical or cause undue hardship on the user, allow the facility to be constructed in the public street or right-of-way and located so that it will not be obstructed by landscaping or parked vehicles.
      (2)   There shall be ample room in or near the sampling manhole or facility to allow accurate sampling and compositing of samples for analysis. The facility and sampling and measuring equipment shall be maintained at all times in a safe and proper operating condition at the expense of the user.
      (3)   Whether constructed on a public or private property, the sampling and monitoring facilities shall be provided in accordance with the City Engineer’s requirements and all applicable local construction standards and specifications. If suitable monitoring sites are not in existence, construction shall be completed within 90 days following written notification by the City Engineer, unless a time extension is otherwise granted by the City Engineer.
(2004 Code, § 53.077) (Ord. 727, passed 12-12-1985)