(A) Measurement of flow. The volume of flow used for computing sewer service charges shall be the metered water consumption of the property owner as shown in the records of meter readings maintained by the Water Department or utility, except as noted in division (B) below.
(B) Metering of waste. Devices for measuring the volume of waste discharged may be required by the Council if this volume cannot otherwise be determined from the metered water consumption records. Metering devices for determining the volume of waste shall be installed, owned and maintained by the person discharging the wastewater. Following approval and installation, these meters may not be removed without the consent of the Council.
(2004 Code, § 53.053) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988)
(A) Industrial wastes discharged into the public sewers shall be subject to periodic inspection and a determination of character and concentration of the wastes. The determination shall be made by the industry as often as may be deemed necessary by the Council.
(B) Samples shall be collected in a manner so as to be representative of the composition of the wastes. The sampling may be accomplished either manually or by the use of mechanical equipment acceptable to the Council.
(C) Installation, operation and maintenance of the sampling facilities shall be the responsibility of the person discharging the waste and shall be subject to the approval of the Council. Access to sampling locations shall be granted to the Council or its duly authorized representatives at all times. Every care shall be exercised in the collection of samples to ensure their preservation in a state comparable to that at the time the sample was taken.
(2004 Code, § 53.054) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988)
Persons discharging industrial wastes into any public sewer may be required to pretreat those wastes, if the Council determines pretreatment is necessary to protect the wastewater treatment facilities or prevent the discharge of incompatible pollutants. In that event, the person shall provide, at his or her expense, those pretreatment or processing facilities as may be determined necessary to render wastes acceptable for admission to the sanitary sewers.
(2004 Code, § 53.055) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988)
Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Council, they are necessary to the proper handling of liquid wastes containing floatable grease in amounts in excess of those specified in this chapter, or any flammable wastes, sand or other harmful ingredients; except that, these interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Council, and shall be located so as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. In maintaining these interceptors, the owner(s) shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal by appropriate means of the captured material and shall maintain records of the dates and means of disposal which are subject to review by the Council. Disposal of the collected materials performed by owner’s personnel or currently licensed waste disposal firms must be in accordance with currently acceptable State Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) rules and regulations.
(2004 Code, § 53.056) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988) Penalty, see § 10.99
All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this chapter shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods and with the federal regulations of 40 C.F.R. part 136, “Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for Analysis of Pollutants”, as amended from time to time. Sampling methods, location, time, durations and frequencies are to be determined on an individual basis subject to approval by the Council. Determination of the character and concentration of the industrial wastes shall be made by the person discharging them, or the person’s agent, as designated and required by the Council. The Council may also make its own analyses on the wastes, and these determinations shall be binding as a basis for sewer service charges.
(2004 Code, § 53.057) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988)
(A) Plans, specifications and any other pertinent information relating to proposed flow equalization, pretreatment or grease and sand interceptor facilities shall be submitted for review and approval of the Council prior to the start of their construction if the effluent from the facilities is to be discharged into the public sewers.
(B) No construction of these facilities shall commence until approval has been granted.
(2004 Code, § 53.058) (Ord. 781, passed 7-19-1988) Penalty, see § 10.99