Comprehensive Plan
151.01 Official designation
151.02 Guide for future development
151.03 Certain maps incorporated by reference
151.04 Amendments
151.05 Copies of plan on file with Clerk-Treasurer
Thoroughfare Plan
151.20 Official designation
151.21 Guide for future development
151.22 Certain maps, reports incorporated by reference
151.23 Location, opening, or widening of major streets
151.24 Construction or repairs encroaching on street or thoroughfare rights-of-way
151.25 Amendments
151.26 Copies of plan on file with Clerk-Treasurer
151.30 Vacation of public right-of-way
(A) After the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and this subchapter, the Common Council, the Board of County Commissioners of Huntington County, or other governing body or official agency within the territorial jurisdiction of the City Plan Commission shall be guided by and give consideration to the general policy and pattern of development set out in the Comprehensive Plan in the authorization, construction, alteration, or abandonment of public highways and public structures, in the approval of land subdivisions; in the determination of sites for schools, parks, and recreational facilities, shopping centers, and individual districts and the acquisition of land therefor; and in other matters affecting the development of the territorial jurisdiction area of the City Plan Commission.
('75 Code, § 72.2)
(B) After adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and this subchapter, the Common Council shall be guided by and give consideration to the general policy and pattern of development set out in the Comprehensive Plan in the authorization, construction, alteration, or abandonment of public highways and structures. Whenever a park, recreation area, school site, or other open space shown on the master plan is located in whole or in part in a proposed subdivision, the Commission may require the dedication of those spaces or their reservation for a period of not more than three years.
('75 Code, § 72.4)
The following maps are hereby declared to be a part of the Comprehensive Plan. Notations, references, indications, and other matter shown on the maps are as much a part of this subchapter as if they were fully described in the text.
(A) A map entitled "Huntington, Indiana, Comprehensive Plan," which shows the land use plan within the city limits.
(B) A map entitled "Huntington, Indiana, Jurisdictional Area Comprehensive Plan," which indicates the land use plan beyond the city limits.
('75 Code, § 72.3)
(A) In addition to the provisions of division (B) below, amendments may be initiated as follows:
(1) The Common Council may direct the City Plan Commission to prepare an amendment as desired, and submit it to public hearings within 60 days after formal written request by the Common Council.
(2) The owners of 50% or more of the area of property of the area concerned may also petition to the City Plan Commission requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan.
('75 Code, § 72.6)
(B) Subsequent to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and the passage of this subchapter, the City Plan Commission may certify to the Common Council the amended or additional plan under the same procedures as established for the certification and approval of the original Comprehensive Plan.
('75 Code, § 72.5)
A copy of the ordinance on the Comprehensive Plan including maps shall be kept on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and City Engineer and shall be subject to public examination during the regular office hours of the Clerk-Treasurer and City Engineer.
('75 Code, § 72.7)
After adoption of the Thoroughfare Plan and this subchapter, the Common Council shall be guided by and give consideration to the general policy and pattern of development set out in the Thoroughfare Plan in the authorization, construction, alteration, or abandonment of public highways and structures.
('75 Code, § 73.5)