   (A)   Generally. All refuse accumulated within the developed area of the city, except as is lawfully composted upon the premises where produced or lawfully transported to a recycling center, shall be disposed of by the city, except that owners or occupants may, between collection periods, transport and dispose of small quantities of same at the city’s sanitary landfill or other approved sanitary landfill. The city collection system shall consist of authorized city employees pursuant to rules, regulations and resolutions passed by the City Council, or in the alternative, the Council shall contract with one or more private refuse collectors in which the contracting procedure and the requirements of the contract shall be in accordance with law and in accordance with those rules, regulations and resolutions of the City Council.
   (B)   Contract collector. No person shall collect refuse within the city except the person or persons holding a contract with the city to do so or authorised city personnel. No person shall permit refuse to be picked up from the person’s premises except by a contractor.
(Ord. 94, passed 3-22-1983) Penalty, see § 51.99
   (A)   Rates and charges, generally. The owner or occupant of any premises served by the city collection system within the city shall pay to the city a service charge as provided herein. The City Council shall, by resolution, establish a system of service charges for refuse collection. In the resolution it shall fix the charges, including any special charges for extra hauling or collecting from an excessive number of containers and classify users, of the service according to the type of occupancy and number of collections per week.
   (B)   Billing. The service charge for each premises shall be made to the owner and occupant. The refuse collection charge may be separately billed by the City Clerk-Treasurer or may be billed as a separate entry on the water or sewer bill.
   (C)   Payment. Service charges shall be payable at the same time as bills for water service and subject to the same conditions of payment. If any charge is unpaid on September 1 of any year, the Council may levy an assessment equal to the unpaid charges as of that date plus interest at the rate of 10% from that date, or any other interest rate as provided by Council resolution. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall certify the assessment to the County Auditor for collection in the same manner as assessments for local improvements.
   (D)   Fund. All service charges shall be deposited in a separate account in the General Fund.
   (E)   Adjustments. The City Council may, by Council resolution, determine and issue rules and regulations providing for a waiver or reduction in the payment of the service charges in the event premises are unoccupied or other equitable circumstances, and may, in connection therewith, provide reasonable requirements in connection with same.
(Ord. 94, passed 3-22-1983)
   (A)   The City Council may, by resolution, set aside certain property owned or otherwise controlled by the city for use as a sanitary landfill to provide for the disposal of refuse by the city refuse collectors or by individuals.
   (B)   (1)   The City Council, by resolution, shall issue rules and regulations for the use of the landfill, including the hours that it is open, restrictions on disposal, and fees to be levied and to be assessed for the use of same.
      (2)   The resolutions may provide that the rates and charges for refuse collection shall constitute payment of the fees for use of the landfill, and further, the resolutions may provide a separate fee or charge for users of the city’s refuse collection system and non-users.
   (C)   (1)   Persons shall not dispose of any garbage, rubbish, refuse, sewage or construction materials at the landfill in violation of regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and a violation of same shall constitute a misdemeanor.
      (2)   No person shall violate any of the rules or regulations provided by Council resolution in connection with the use of the landfill.
   (D)   All service charges connected herewith shall be deposited in the General Fund or in a separate account in the General Fund for the landfill or for the landfill and refuse collection.
(Ord. 94, passed 3-22-1983) Penalty, see § 51.99
   No person shall place or cause to be placed any rubbish, garbage, other refuse, construction materials or anything he or she intends to dispose of or abandon within or next to a garbage can or dumpster or anywhere else unless he or she owns or leases the receptacle, or have the permission of the property owner or tenant. This does not prohibit the placement of recyclables within the approved recycling center.
(Ord. 120, passed 4-13-1993) Penalty, see § 51.99