General Provisions
51.01 Title and purpose
51.02 Definitions
51.03 Licensing of installers; revocation of license
51.04 Permits required; refusal or revocation of permits
51.05 Fee schedule
51.06 Connection to public or enclosed sanitary sewer system
51.07 Abandonment of existing private sewage system
51.08 Conflict of ordinances
On-Site Sewage Regulations
51.20 Incorporation by reference
51.21 Definitions
51.22 Licensing of installers
51.23 OSS permit requirements and plan submittal
51.24 On-site sewage system permit
51.25 OSS operating permit
51.26 Connection to existing system
51.27 OSS inspection
51.28 Violation
51.29 Procedure for appeal
51.30 Remedies
51.31 Fee schedule
51.32 Conflict of ordinances
51.99 Penalty
Subdivision sewer, water and drainage regulations, see §§ 152.63 et seq.