(A) The following requirements must be met before the issuance of a permit for an OSS.
(1) A completed application.
(2) A written site evaluation report, performed by a soil scientist, containing soil absorption field site characteristics, a soil profile report, soil profile characteristics, and a fixed object from which the boring locations will be measured.
(3) A plat plan that includes:
(a) Legal description of the property.
(b) Property boundaries.
(c) Easements.
(d) Required setbacks.
(4) An OSS plan that includes but not limited to:
(a) A drawing of the OSS site to scale.
(b) Property boundaries.
(c) Footprint of all structures (existing and proposed).
(d) Utility services.
(e) Existing and proposed sewer outlets and OSS components.
(f) Setbacks and separation distances required herein.
(g) Identification of all existing and proposed private water supply wells within 100 feet of the OSS and 200 feet from any public water supply wells.
(h) Within the proposed soil absorption field site, all trees and shrubs that may affect the construction of the soil absorption field.
(I) Location of all soil sample sites measured from a fixed reference point.
(j) All topographic features affecting the soil absorption field, including:
1. Position (upland, terrace, or floodplain).
2. Percent slope, slope shape, and slope aspect.
3. Surface drainage characteristics, including:
a. Location of all lakes, ponds, reservoirs, rivers, streams, ditches, or swales.
b. Location of all surface topography where surface runoff may collect or pond,
(k) Type of vegetative cover at the site.
(l) One hundred-year flood elevations as determined by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and identification of all portions of the property at and below the 100-year flood elevation.
(5) Detailed plan view of the OSS soil absorption field.
(6) Detailed plan view of the OSS surface and subsurface drainage system.
(7) Detailed cross-section of a typical trench of the OSS soil absorption field, to scale.
(8) Invert elevations of all piping, including all inlet and outlet piping to distribution boxes and tanks; elevations of original grade at the ends of each trench in the soil absorption field(s).
(9) The County Health Department may require any OSS to be designed by a registered professional engineer when deemed necessary.
(B) All septic tanks installed in the county must contain outlet filters and filter alarms.
(1) Use, sizing, installation, and service of outlet filters must be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Outlet filters must be designed to handle the design daily flow (DDF) of the OSS.
(2) Outlet filters must be maintained by the owner or agent of the owner and must remain in service for the life of the septic tank.
(3) The outlet filter must be placed in the last septic tank for septic tanks placed in series.
(4) The filter alarm must be accom panied by a laminated instruction sheet that shall be mounted near the alarm signal, detailing actions the property owner should take should the alarm be activated. This instruction sheet should also provide the suggested maintenance schedule for the filter.
(5) Outlet filters must be placed to allow accessibility for routine maintenance without entering the tank.
(6) Service should be performed as required and shall be performed each time the septic tank is pumped.
(C) All perimeter drains installed in the county must meet the following criteria:
(1) For trench OSS, the subsurface perimeter drain must be two inches into a soil horizon with a loading rate less than .25 gallons per day per square foot, or 36 inches deeper than the deepest trench bottom if a soil with a loading rate of less than .25 gallons per day per square foot is not present. Other means that are found to lower the water table at least 24 inches below trench bottom are also acceptable.
(2) For sand mound OSS, the subsurface perimeter drain must be two inches into a soil horizon with a loading rate less than .25 gallons per day per square foot or 32 inches deeper than the original ground surface.
(3) The subsurface drain tile shall be at least six inches in diameter.
(4) If an existing perimeter drain is available which services adjacent properties which are of the same soil type, elevation and surface grade, the existing perimeter drain may be used, providing that the adjacent properties have not experienced any OSS problems related to the perimeter drain in the past five years.
(Ord. 2006-BCC-23, passed 5-9-06)