(A)   The owner may be required to obtain a written operating permit, signed by the Health Officer, for use, inspection, and maintenance of an OSS.
   (B)   An operating permit requiring scheduled inspection and maintenance shall contain the following:
      (1)   Name, address and telephone number of the service company contracted to perform inspection and maintenance.
      (2)   A copy of the inspection and maintenance contract, or reference to a standard inspection and maintenance contract having a unique reference number for each owner. Where a standard inspection and maintenance contract is used, a copy of the standard contract must be submitted, by the service company, to the department or local health department, whichever has authority.
      (3)   Reference to operation and maintenance document or documents used for scheduled inspection and maintenance, with a unique reference number for each document. A copy of each inspection and maintenance document must be submitted, by the service company, to the department or local health department, whichever has authority.
   (C)   An operating permit shall identify all components of an OSS requiring inspection and maintenance.
   (D)   An operating permit issued by the department or local health department, whichever has authority, shall be renewed:
      (1)   At least biennially for OSS having components requiring scheduled inspection and maintenance; and
      (2)   At least once every five years for OSS not having components requiring scheduled inspection and maintenance.
   (E)   The owner, or service company contracted to perform inspection and maintenance, shall provide the department, whichever has authority, with the following:
      (1)   Written documentation of all scheduled inspection and maintenance within one month of the date the scheduled inspection and maintenance was performed.
      (2)   For all unscheduled maintenance, the owner, or service company contracted to perform unscheduled maintenance, shall provide:
         (a)   Notification, by telephone or electronic mail, within 48 hours after performing unscheduled maintenance.
         (b)   Written documentation of all unscheduled maintenance within one month of the date the unscheduled maintenance was performed.
   (F)   If inspection of an OSS reveals that any of its components must be repaired or replaced, the owner, or the owner's agent, must comply with the requirements of § 51.23.
   (G)   If the owner fails to comply with this section, after notice of violation and said time limit, the owner may be held to § 51.99, Penalty.
(Ord. 2006-BCC-23, passed 5-9-06)