(A)   The owner or agent of the owner shall obtain a written permit, from the County Health Department, signed by the Health Officer, for the construction of a residential or commercial OSS prior to the following:
      (1)   The start of construction or the placement of a residence or building that will not be connected to a publicly or privately-owned wastewater treatment plant at the time of initial occupancy.
      (2)   The start of any construction, installation, replacement, alteration or repair of any part of an OSS.
      (3)   The start of construction of any replacement, reconstruction, or expansion of a residence which may increase the number of bedrooms.
      (4)   The owner shall obtain all necessary federal, state, and local permits and approvals before construction begins on an OSS.
   (C)   Any proposed changes, alterations or additions to an OSS plan submittal for which a permit has already been issued shall be approved by the Health Department prior to the implementation of the changes.
   (D)   The Health Department shall issue, or deny in writing, to the owner an OSS permit as soon a possible but within 45 days of receipt of a complete application and complete plan submittal.
   (E)   An OSS permit shall expire upon compliance of the OSS installation, or within three years of the issue date, whichever comes first. This permit may be renewed prior to expiration for one additional three- year period. Provided, however, the renewal permit shall expire within one year of the effective date of change of the state's rules regarding OSS, unless the expiration date of the locally issued permit comes first, at which time the permit shall expire.
   (F)   The owner or agent shall request an inspection by the Health Department after the OSS is completed and before any portion of the OSS is covered. The Health Department shall have until the end of the second business day (4:00 p.m. local time) after the request to respond before any portion of the OSS is covered. If the Health Department has not responded within that time, the owner or agent may begin covering the OSS.
   (G)   The Health Department may modify or revoke a permit which it has issued. The reasons for modification or revocation include, but not limited to, any of the following:
      (1)   The soil absorption field site has been disturbed or altered after collection of information for the written site evaluation report. Disturbance or alteration of the site includes, but is not limited to the following:
         (a)   The addition of fill.
         (b)   The cutting, scraping, or removal of soil.
         (c)   The compaction of the site.
      (2)   False information has been submitted to obtain the permit.
      (3)   Information submitted in the written site evaluation report, plat plan, or OSS plan is found to be erroneous.
      (4)   Errors or omissions are discovered after the permit has been issued.
      (5)   The OSS does not comply with the requirements of 410 I.A.C. 6-8.1-1 et seq. and all of the provisions of this subchapter, or conditions of the permit.
      (6)   The owner or agent of the owner failed to notify the Health Department at least seven days prior to construction of a commercial facility OSS.
      (7)   The owner or agent of the owner failed to request an inspection by the Health Department at least two working days before any portion of the OSS was covered.
   (H)   If a permit is revoked or modified, the owner shall be advised in writing of the basis for the modification or revocation, the right for appeal, and the deadline for appeal.
   (I)   If a permit has been revoked, the following shall occur for a new permit to be issued:
      (1)   The owner shall provide, as necessary, a revised site evaluation, and a revised plat plan and OSS plan.
      (2)   The proposed OSS shall comply with the requirements of 410 I.A.C. 6-8.1-1 et seq. and all of the provisions of this subchapter.
      (3)   If a permit is revoked, construction may not proceed on the OSS until a new permit is issued.
(Ord. 2006-BCC-23, passed 5-9-06)