For the purposes of this article, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Animal Control Contractor. The duly incorporated humane society or organization formed for the prevention of cruelty to animals that is contracted by the city to perform animal control services.
Animal Nuisance. For the purposes of this article, includes but is not limited to any animal, farm animal, or poultry that:
(1) Makes noise continuously or incessantly, or both, for a period of 10 minutes or intermittently for one-half hour or more to the disturbance of any person at any time of day or night and regardless of whether the animal, farm animal, or poultry is physically situated in or upon private property;
(2) Barks, whines, howls, crows, cries, or makes any other unreasonable noise as described in § 12-2.4(c) of this article; or
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of HRS § 142-75 or any other applicable law, bites or stings a person.
Animals. Unless provided otherwise, include but are not limited to those animals that are customary and usual pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, honeybees, and other beasts that are maintained on the premises of a dwelling unit and kept by the resident of the dwelling unit solely for personal enjoyment and companionship, such as, without limitation, for a hobby, for legal sporting activities and for guarding of property; excluding aviary game birds and fish as defined in the Hawaii Revised Statutes.
Enclosure. Any kennel, coop, cage, hutch, hive, or other structure used to care for, breed, house, or keep animals, farm animals, or poultry.
Farm Animals. Pigs, cows, goats, sheep, horses, camels, and llamas.
Owner. Any person owning, harboring, or keeping animals, farm animals, or poultry, or having custody thereof, whether temporary or permanent.
Person. Includes corporations, estates, associations, partnerships, and trusts, as well as one or more individual human beings.
Poultry. Chickens, pigeons, turkeys, geese, ducks, and peafowl not regulated by State law.
(1990 Code, Ch. 7, Art. 2, § 7-2.2) (Added by Ord. 90-55; Am. Ords. 00-73, 04-42, 20-1)