(a) Broadcasting.
(1) Once a new tower or tower site is approved, additional antennas and accessory uses shall be processed under the minor permit procedures.
(2) All new towers shall be designed to structurally accommodate the maximum number of additional users technically practicable, but in no case less than the following:
(A) For television antenna towers, at least three high-power television antennas and one microwave facility or one low-power television antenna, or two FM antennas and at least one two-way radio antenna for every 10 feet of the tower over 200 feet; and
(B) For any other towers, at least one two-way radio antenna for every 10 feet of the tower, or at least one two-way radio antenna for every 20 feet of the tower and at least one microwave facility or low-power television antenna;
provided that the requirements in this subdivision may be reduced if the Federal Communications Commission provides a written statement that no more licenses for those broadcast frequencies that could use the tower will be available in the foreseeable future. The requirements in this subdivision may also be reduced if the size of the tower required significantly exceeds the size of existing towers in the area and would therefore create an unusually onerous visual impact that would dominate and alter the visual character of the area when compared to the impact of other existing towers.
(3) Freestanding antennas and towers shall be set back from every property line a minimum of 1 foot for every 5 feet of antenna or tower height.
(4) Antennas and towers supported by guy wires shall be set back from every property line a minimum of 1 foot for every 1 foot of antenna or tower height.
(5) AM broadcast antennas shall be set back a minimum of 500 feet from any country, residential, apartment, or apartment mixed-use district.
(6) FM and television antennas shall be set back a minimum of 2,500 feet from any country, residential, apartment, or apartment mixed-use district.
(7) If it is determined that an antenna is harmful in any way to the health of the surrounding population or if it causes prolonged interference with the public’s radio and television reception, the applicant shall be required to correct the situation or discontinue the use and remove the structures at the applicant’s expense.
(8) The following shall be submitted as part of any application for a broadcasting antenna:
(A) Where a new tower is being requested, a quantitative description of the additional tower capacity anticipated shall be submitted, including the approximate number and types of antennas. The applicant shall also describe any limitations on the ability of the tower to accommodate other uses, e.g., radio frequency interference, mass, height, or other characteristics; and
(B) Evidence of a lack of space on all existing towers which meet the setback requirements in this section, to locate the proposed antenna and the lack of space on existing tower sites which meet the setback requirements in this section, to construct a tower for the proposed antenna.
(b) Accessory receive-only. Accessory receive-only antennas when mounted on the ground shall be screened by walls, earth berms or landscaping a minimum of 4 feet in height.
(1990 Code, Ch. 21, Art. 5, § 21-5.50) (Added by Ord. 99-12)
Within the B-1 district only, when a pump island is less than 75 feet from a zoning lot in a country, residential, apartment, or apartment mixed-use district, hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. Automobile service stations not meeting this standard and intended to operate beyond these hours may be permitted under a conditional use permit (minor).
(1990 Code, Ch. 21, Art. 5, § 21-5.60) (Added by Ord. 99-12)
(a) In the B-2, BMX-4, I-1, and IMX-1 zoning districts, no public address system or other devices for reproducing or amplifying voices or music shall be mounted outside any structure on the premises, nor shall any amplified sound be audible beyond any property line affecting a residential, apartment, or apartment mixed-use zoning district.
(b) This use is not permitted on any lot which adjoins a parcel in a residential, apartment, or apartment mixed-use zoning district.
(1990 Code, Ch. 21, Art. 5, § 21-5.70) (Added by Ord. 99-12)
No biofuel processing facility shall be located within 1,500 feet of any zoning lot in a country, residential, apartment, apartment mixed-use, or resort district. When it can be determined that potential impacts will be adequately mitigated due to prevailing winds, terrain, technology, or similar considerations, this distance may be reduced, provided that at no time shall the distance be less than 500 feet.
(1990 Code, Ch. 21, Art. 5, § 21-5.80A) (Added by Ord. 10-19)
The following standards shall apply to mechanized car washing establishments as principal or accessory uses:
(a) There shall be no water runoff onto adjacent properties or public rights-of-way;
(b) The use shall be in a sound-attenuated structure or sound attenuation walls shall be erected and maintained at the property line; and
(c) The lot shall not adjoin a zoning lot in a residential or apartment district.
(1990 Code, Ch. 21, Art. 5, § 21-5.90) (Added by Ord. 99-12; Am. Ord. 03-37)