(A) All applications for water supply service must be submitted to the utility customer service office on an application form prescribed by the Department of Public Utilities. (‘72 Code, § 36-14)
(B) The Owner of the premises proposed to be connected for water supply service, or his or her agent duly authorized in writing, must sign the application for service pipe and water supply. (‘72 Code, § 36- 15)
(C) Prior to the installation and completion of water service connection, the owner may cancel or withdraw the application made, upon his or her written order so to do, after payment to the Department of Public Utilities of the greater of the city's actual expenses for work performed up to the time of cancellation, or a minimum charge to be established by resolution of the City Commission. The city's charge for cancellation will be deducted upon refund of the amount of the connection fees initially paid by the customer. (‘72 Code, § 36-16)
(D) A nonrefundable application fee to be established by resolution of the City Commission shall be due to cover the administrative cost of processing and setting up the new account.
(Ord. 205, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-72-206, passed 12-6-72 ; Am. Ord. O-2005-04, passed 5-4- 05; Am. Ord. O-2014-15, passed 7- 16-14; Am. Ord. O-2019-18, passed 9-18-19)
(A) Effective when installation complete.
(1) The application becomes a binding contract upon both the owner and the city when the service connection for water supply service applied for has been installed and completed.
(2) It is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain the water supply service upon his property; regardless of the location of the meter backflow assembly or other devices.
(3) It is the city’s responsibility to maintain the water supply service from the water main in the adjacent public right-of-way to the right-of-way line.
('72 Code, § 36-17)
(B) Term of contract for service. All contracts for water supply service shall expire at the end of the next succeeding calendar month from date of application, but all contracts shall continue in force by renewal without act or notice from either party to the other, from month to month unless three days’ notice in writing is given by either party to the other of a desire to terminate the contract at the expiration of the then calendar month, and the charging for and payment of water rates in any manner, and at any interval or period, shall not be construed as altering the period of the contract or any renewal thereof under this rule. The Owner shall only request to terminate the contract for water supply service due to at least one of the following reasons:
(1) Change in property ownership.
(2) The water meter was removed due to property demolition.
(3) The irrigation meter was removed and is the sole meter located on the property. (‘72 Code, § 36-18)
(C) Rates for service and rules to be part of contract for service. All of the foregoing rates and rules shall be considered and taken to be a part of the contract, so far as the same may be applicable to the class of service covered by and included in such contract, with every owner or consumer who shall make application for the water supply service of the city or whose premises are furnished with, or are connected to the system of the city for such service, and every such owner shall be considered as having, and be taken and construed to have expressed his consent to be bound thereby whenever application for such water supply service is made, or so long as the premises of any such owner are furnished with, or are connected to the system of the city for such service. (‘72 Code, § 36-20)
(Ord. 205, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-72-206, passed 12-6-72; Am. Ord. O-2005-04, passed 5-4- 05; Am. Ord. O-2019-18, passed 9-18-19)