(A)   All applications for water supply service must be submitted to the utility customer service office on an application form prescribed by the Department of Public Utilities. (‘72 Code, § 36-14)
   (B)   The Owner of the premises proposed to be connected for water supply service, or his or her agent duly authorized in writing, must sign the application for service pipe and water supply. (‘72 Code, § 36- 15)
   (C)   Prior to the installation and completion of water service connection, the owner may cancel or withdraw the application made, upon his or her written order so to do, after payment to the Department of Public Utilities of the greater of the city's actual expenses for work performed up to the time of cancellation, or a minimum charge to be established by resolution of the City Commission. The city's charge for cancellation will be deducted upon refund of the amount of the connection fees initially paid by the customer. (‘72 Code, § 36-16)
   (D)   A nonrefundable application fee to be established by resolution of the City Commission shall be due to cover the administrative cost of processing and setting up the new account.
(Ord. 205, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-72-206, passed 12-6-72 ; Am. Ord. O-2005-04, passed 5-4- 05; Am. Ord. O-2014-15, passed 7- 16-14; Am. Ord. O-2019-18, passed 9-18-19)