Applications for such licenses shall be made in writing to the Village Council and filed with the Village Clerk-Treasurer. It shall give all such information as may be deemed necessary for the proper enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, including the name and address of the applicant, the business or trade name under which the applicant is to operate, previous experience in the business, the names and addresses of all persons interested in the issuing of the license, and the place or places of residence and occupation of the applicant and of all persons interested in said business for the two years preceding the date of said application, and if the applicant is a corporation, the names and addresses and such previous places of residence and occupation of officers, and a correct description of the land upon which the applicant proposes to locate said business. It shall contain an agreement upon the part of the applicant that he or she will accept the license, if granted to him or her, upon the condition that it may be suspended or revoked at the will of the Village Council.
(1984 Code, § 8-04-020) (Ord. 57, passed 1-12-1937)