   (A)   Application. Prior to the filing of an application for approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider may submit a copy of a sketch plan to the Council. This is entirely at the option of the developer. The sketch plan shall include the entire developmental scheme of the proposed subdivision, in schematic form and include the area proposed for immediate development in such a form and content as required by the Council and shall include the following:
      (1)   The general layout of streets, blocks and lots in sketch form;
      (2)   The existing conditions and characteristics of the land on or adjacent to the proposed subdivision site; and
      (3)   Areas set aside for schools, parks and other public facilities.
   (B)   Fee. None required.
   (C)   Council action. At the regular meeting, the subdivider shall present his or her pre-application and intent to the Council for review and comment. The Council may, if it deems necessary, request review of the pre-application by other agencies. The Council will review the pre-application to determine its compliance with this chapter as well as the following concerns:
      (1)   The compliance of the proposed development with existing local or state policies, goals and objectives or development plans;
      (2)   Determination of additional special permits or ordinance conflicts such as rezoning, conditional use permit or variance that may be needed and the determination of the manner that such requirements can be combined into one permit;
      (3)   Advise the applicant of any unique environmental or hazardous concerns that may be directly or indirectly associated with the subject property, such as areas that have been designated by the state as areas of critical environmental concern, unique plant or animal life, floodplain, airport flight pattern and the like; and
      (4)   Provide the subdivider with all necessary forms.
(Ord. passed 9-11-1995)
   (A)   Application. The subdivider shall file with the Council a completed subdivision application form and preliminary plat data as required in this chapter in such form and content as required by the Council.
   (B)   Combining both preliminary and final plats. The applicant may also request that the subdivision application be processed as both a preliminary and final plat if the following exists:
      (1)   The proposed subdivision does not exceed ten lots;
      (2)   No new street dedication or street widening are involved;
      (3)   No major special development consideration are involved, such as development in a floodplain, hillside development or the like; and
      (4)   All required information for both preliminary and final plat is complete and in an acceptable form. A request to combine both preliminary plat and final plat into one application shall be acted upon by the Council.
   (C)   Content of preliminary plat. The contents of the preliminary plat and related information shall be in such a form as stipulated by the Council; however, any additional maps or data deemed necessary by the Council may also be required. The subdivider shall submit to the Council at least the following:
      (1)   Eight copies of the preliminary engineering plat of the proposed subdivision, drawn in accordance with the requirements hereinafter stated; each copy of the preliminary plat shall be on good quality paper, shall have dimensions of not less than 18 inches by 24 inches, shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch to 100 feet, shall show the drafting date, and shall indicate thereon, by arrow, the generally northerly direction;
      (2)   Eight sets of preliminary engineering plans including a master utility map for streets, water, sewers and other required public improvement maps; said engineering plans shall contain sufficient information and detail to enable the Council to make a preliminary determination as to conformance of the proposed improvements to applicable regulations, ordinances and standards as outlined in this chapter;
      (3)   A written application requesting approval of the preliminary plat on a form prescribed by the city; and
      (4)   Appropriate information that sufficiently details the proposed development within any special development area, such as hillside, planned unit development, floodplain, cemetery, mobile home, large-scale development, hazardous and unique areas of development.
   (D)   Requirement of preliminary plats. The following shall be shown on the preliminary plat submitted or shall be submitted with the same:
      (1)   The name of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the subdivider(s) and the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat;
      (3)   The name and address of all adjoining owners of property whether or not bisected by a public right-of-way as shown on record in the County Assessor’s office;
      (4)   The legal description of the subdivision;
      (5)   A statement of the intended use of the proposed subdivision, such as: residential single-family; two-family and multiple housing; commercial, industrial, recreational or agricultural; and a showing of any sites proposed for parks, playgrounds, schools, churches or other public uses;
      (6)   A map of the entire area scheduled for development if the proposed subdivision is a portion of a larger holding intended for subsequent development;
      (7)   A vicinity map showing the relationship of the proposed plat to the surrounding area (one-half mile minimum radius, scale optional);
      (8)   The land use and existing zoning of the proposed subdivision and the adjacent land;
      (9)   Streets, street names, rights-of-way and roadway widths, including adjoining streets or roadways;
      (10)   Lot lines and the dimensions and numbers of each, and the total number of lots by block;
      (11)   A site report as required by the appropriate health district where septic tanks are proposed;
      (12)   Any proposed or existing utilities, including, but not limited to, irrigation laterals, ditches, drainages, bridges, culverts, water mains, fire hydrants, electric power lines, television cable lines, fiber optic lines and their respective profiles or indicated alternative methods;
      (13)   A copy of any proposed restrictive covenants and/or deed restrictions, or if none, a statement that none are proposed;
      (14)   Any dedications to the public and/or easements together with a statement of location, dimensions and purpose of such;
      (15)   Any additional required information for special developments as specified in §§ 152.65 through 152.67 of this chapter;
      (16)   A statement as to whether or not a variance will be requested with respect to any provision of this chapter describing the particular provision, the variance requested and the reasons therefor; and
      (17)   At the Council’s request the developer shall show contours at five-foot interval s where land slope is greater than 10% and at two-foot intervals where land slope is 10% or less, with an established benchmark, including location and elevation.
   (E)   Fee. At the time of submission of an application for a preliminary plat, a non-refundable fee as set by resolution shall be paid. There shall be no additional fee for the combining of the preliminary and final plats.
   (F)   Submission requirements. The subdivider shall submit eight copies of the preliminary plat and required supplemental material, along with the required fee to the Council at least ten days prior to the regular Council meeting. The submission shall also be in such form as prescribed by the Council.
   (G)   Public notification.
      (1)   Notification to property owners. The subdivider shall notify all adjoining property owners of the Council’s meeting by written notification and posting of the subject land under consideration. Such written notification and posting shall be mailed at least ten days prior to the Council meeting.
      (2)   Failure to notify. The failure of the subdivider to comply with the notification provision shall invalidate the Council’s action.
   (H)   Council action. At the next regular Council meeting, the subdivider shall present the preliminary plat for action. The Council may approve, approve conditionally, disapprove or table the preliminary plat for additional information. Such action shall occur within 30 days of the date of the regular meeting.
   (I)   Approval period.
      (1)   Failure to file and obtain the certification of the acceptance of the final plat application by the developer within one year after action by the Council shall cause all approvals of said preliminary plat to be null and void, unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Council prior to the expiration date.
      (2)   In the event that the development of the preliminary plat is made in successive contiguous segments in an orderly and reasonable manner, and conforms substantially to the approved preliminary plat, such segments, if submitted within successive intervals of one year may be considered for final approval without resubmission for preliminary-plat approval.
(Ord. passed 9-11-1995)
§ 152.28  FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   Application. After the approval or conditional approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivided may cause the subdivision, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final plat prepared in accordance with the approved preliminary plat. The subdivider shall submit to the Council the following:
      (1)   Three copies and the original of the final plat; and
      (2)   Three copies and the original of the final engineering construction drawings for streets, water and other public improvements.
   (B)   Content of final plat. The final plat shall include and be in compliance with all items required under Idaho Code Title 50, Ch. 13, and shall be drawn at such a scale and contain lettering of such size as to enable the same to be placed on one sheet of 18-inch by 24-inch drawing paper, with no part of the drawing nearer to the edge than one inch. The reverse of said sheet shall not be used for any portion of the drawing, but may contain written matter as to dedications, certifications and other information. The final plat shall include at least the following:
      (1)   A written application for approval of such final plat as stipulated by the Council;
      (2)   Proof of current ownership of the real property included in the proposed final plat;
      (3)   Such other and further information as the Council may deem necessary to establish whether or not all proper parties have signed and/or approved said final plat;
      (4)   Conformance with the approved preliminary plat and meeting all requirements or conditions thereof;
      (5)   Conform to all requirements and provisions of this chapter; and
      (6)   Acceptable engineering practices and local standards.
   (C)   Fee. None required.
   (D)   Council review.
      (1)   Submittal of final plat. The Council shall review the final plat for compliance with the approved or conditionally approved preliminary plat. If the Council determines that there is substantial difference in the final plat than that which was considered as a preliminary plat or conditions which have not been met, the Council may require that the final plat be resubmitted in the same manner as required in the preliminary plat process.
      (2)   Agency review. The Council may transmit one copy of the final plat, or other document submitted, for review and recommendation to the same departments and agencies, or others as they may deem necessary to insure compliance with the preliminary approval and/or conditions of preliminary approval. Such agency review shall also include the construction standards of improvements, compliance with health standards, the cost estimate for all improvements and the legal review of the performance bond.
   (E)   Council action. The Council, at its next meeting, shall consider comments from concerned persons and agencies to arrive at a decision on the final plat. If said final plat conforms to the requirements of this chapter applicable at the time of approval of the preliminary plat, all rulings made by the Council on the preliminary plat, and the requirements of the state law, the Council shall approve, approve conditionally, disapprove or table the final plat for additional information within 30 days of the date of the regular meeting at which the final plat is first considered by the Council.
   (F)   Approval period. Final plat and covenants, if any, shall be filed with the County Recorder within one year after written approval by the Council. Otherwise, such approval shall become null and void unless prior to said expiration date an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Council.
   (G)   Method of recording. Upon approval of the final plat by the Council, the subdivider’s prepayment of recording fees, and the inclusion of the following signatures on the final plat to the County Recorder for recording:
      (1)   Certification and signature of the Council verifying that the subdivision has been approved;
      (2)   Certification and signature of an engineer or Building Inspector verifying that the subdivision meets the city requirements and has been approved by the Council; and
      (3)   Certification and signature of local or state health agency that all health requirements have been complied with.
(Ord. passed 9-11-1995)
   All plats submitted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and all subdivisions, improvements and facilities done, constructed or made in accordance with said provisions shall comply with the minimum design standards set forth hereinafter in this subchapter; provided, however, that, any higher standards adopted by any highway district, state highway department or health agency shall prevail over those set forth herein.
(Ord. passed 9-11-1995)