13.14.054: FRONT SETBACKS:
   A.   Purpose: In the City of Holladay, development patterns have been set in neighborhoods by past choices. These choices are reflected in the location of homes with regard to the configuration of individual lots, the age of the houses and the mature vegetation that has been cultivated and added over the years. In order to maintain the unique character of individual neighborhoods, the minimum front setback for main buildings on each street should support and continue that development pattern.
   B.   Worksheet Required: The property owner and/or their designee shall calculate the front yard setback as described herein. Results shall be documented by completing the "R-1 Zone Worksheet", on file with the Community Development Department. The completed worksheet shall be signed and submitted with the building permit application and reviewed and verified by the Technical Review Committee as per subsection 13.08.010A of this title, to become part of the permit file.
   C.   Front Setbacks On Lots 1.5 Acres In Size Or Larger: The minimum front setback for any main building with frontage on a public street shall be forty feet (40').
   D.   Front Setbacks On Lots Less Than 1.5 Acres: The minimum front setback for any main building with frontage on a public street shall be calculated using an average of the front setbacks of each of the main structures on the block face within four (4) adjacent lots, two (2) on each side of the property in question and may include the existing structure on the property in question. The average of each main structure shall be determined on-site by using the shortest and farthest measurement from the property line to the main structure. Measurements will be verified by the Technical Review Committee. The average calculation shall be further limited by the following:
      1.   If one or more of the lots required in the averaging calculations is vacant, the front setback for such vacant lots will be determined based upon the average front setback of the main building, if any, that formerly occupied that lot. If the lot has never been occupied, or if the average front setback of the former building cannot be determined, the front setback shall be calculated using a fifth adjacent lot, which the Community Development Director determines would most appropriately reflect the development pattern of the neighborhood in question.
      2.   Lots fronting on a different street than the subject lot may not be used in computing the average.
      3.   Lots, on file, with the Community Development Department, for which a front yard variance has been granted by the City of Holladay Appeal Hearings Officer are deemed to be unique to the streetscape and shall not be used in computing the average. In which case the calculation of such lots shall be based upon what the correct setback should have been, omitting the granted variance distance.
      4.   If one or more of the lots required in the averaging calculations have been built or rebuilt upon during or after August 2012, the Community Development staff shall gather the information necessary to complete an "R-1 Zone Worksheet" as described in subsection B of this section. If the Community Development staff determines, based upon the information provided in that worksheet, that the front yard setback for a building was calculated incorrectly, or that the building was built incorrectly; the front yard setback for such lots will be calculated based upon what the correct setback should have been, rather than its as-built configuration.
      5.   When the subject lot is a corner lot, the average setback will be computed on the basis of the three (3) adjacent lots on the same street as the subject lot.
   E.   Front Setbacks On Private Rights-Of-Way: The minimum front setback for a main building fronting on a private right-of-way is shown on chart 13.14.055 of this subsection.
CHART 13.14.055
Right-Of-Way Width
Front Setback
Less than 20 feet
30 feet from the centerline of the right-of-way
20 feet and above
20 feet from the right-of-way line
(Ord. 2017-21, 8-3-2017)