17.04.010: Written Permission Required
17.04.020: Minimum Standards
It is unlawful for any person to make any improvements in the city where subsurface water exists within two feet (2') of the foundation level of the improvements without obtaining the written permission of the director of community development. This requirement shall include, but not be limited to, subdividers, persons developing ground for industrial and/or commercial purposes, and homeowners constructing improvements upon their own property. (1999 Code)
Before written permission is issued, the director of community development shall ensure that the following requirements are met:
   A.   Test Holes: Test holes shall be dug upon the properties to a depth sufficient to determine the extent of the subsurface water table in the proposed development to include the depth thereof and any other information regarding same which may be required by the city.
   B.   High Water Table Elevations Data: All applicants must supply data as to seasonal high water table elevations.
   C.   Footings: All footings shall be at least two feet (2') above the highest water table elevations, and the type of house construction or other development shall be governed by this standard, or by a satisfactory design approved by a professional engineer which shall be submitted to the director of community development for approval.
   D.   Water Table Inspection: In areas where soil conservation maps indicate high water tables and in all other questionable areas that might be designated as high water tables by the director of community development, no building permits will be issued without water table inspection during high water table season by a representative of the city or a review of similar inspections of other properties in the same designated area.
   E.   Drainage Easements: The developer shall provide drainage easements to the city along all rear, side and front lot lines for drainage purposes whenever required to accommodate subsurface drainage facilities that are constructed in order to lower groundwater levels. The size of the easement shall be determined by the director of community development and shall in all events be a minimum of ten feet (10'). The director shall recommend whether the drainage easements shall be separate from other utility easements or shall be used concurrently with such easements. (1999 Code)
   F.   Grading: All grading of any kind shall be done so as to ensure that the drainage is away from the proposed improvements and in such a manner as to prevent any conveying or trapping of water abutting the basement and foundation walls of the improvement. (Ord. 2015-02, 2-5-2015)