   All tracts located in Bullitt County, Kentucky, including those located within the municipal boundaries of the present cities or any new city created within Bullitt County, shall be numbered and identified in accordance with the grid system using the base lines.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85)
   The grid system with base lines is hereby adopted as the tract locating system in Bullitt County.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85)
   All tracts shall be consistently and consecutively numbered from the appropriate base line. Each tract located on or having an access road or driveway intersecting a road shall be assigned a north or south number with reference to its distance north or south and east or west of the base line. Each tract located on or having an access road or driveway intersecting a road designated as an east-west road shall be assigned an east or west number with reference to its distance east or west and north or south of the base line. Even numbers shall be assigned to tracts located on the north side of an east-west road or the east side of a north-south road. Odd numbers shall be assigned to tracts located on the south side of an east-west road or on the west side of a north-south road.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85)
   The Administrator shall keep a chart showing the proper street number of every tract in the county or city and an alphabetical index of road names shall be permitted for new developments or roads. The index shall locate the street at its beginning and ending point by reference to the grid system. The beginning of a street shall be that point nearest the base line intersection.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85)
   The Fiscal Court shall have final authority for the approval of any name or name change for county roads. The City Council of each city where a street or road is located shall have final authority for the approval of any name or name change in city roads.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85)
   It shall be the duty of the owner of numbered improved tracts to have the number displayed thereon in a place visible from the road. If the improvement is two hundred (200) feet or more from a road, the assigned number shall be displayed at the entrance to the access road or driveway to such buildings. Unimproved tracts are not required to display numbers.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85) Penalty, see § 151.99
   (A)   The Commission shall be responsible for assigning numbers to tracts in accordance with the grid system. The Administrator is delegated authority to administer this chapter and shall begin when the grid system is in place having been accepted by the Fiscal Court. Thereafter, at the time of the issuance of a building permit the person requesting the permit shall provide to the Administrator a site plan for such building indicating:
      (1)   The exact location of the improvement;
      (2)   The exact location of the access road or driveway serving the improvement; and
      (3)   The distance in feet from the front of each building to the nearest county road serving the tract access road or driveway.
   (B)   Upon being informed of the exact existing or proposed location of an improvement, the Administrator shall designate in writing to the owner the correct number and record that information in the Commission records. He shall designate in writing any refusal to issue a number or accept a road name and shall state in full his reason for refusal. The Administrator shall maintain current set of reproducible maps covering all of Bullitt County showing the numbers assigned to all tracts and a current index of road names. Copies of such maps and road index may be purchased by persons at a cost fixed by Fiscal Court.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85)
§ 151.09 APPEALS.
   Any decision of the Administrator concerning his administrative action in assigning or refusing to assign street names or number may be appealed to the Commission. Any person aggrieved by the Administrator's decision may appeal by filing written notice of his appeal with the Commission. Such notice shall state in full the reason for the appeal, may not be enlarged thereafter and shall be filed within ten (10) days of the Administrator's written action. The Commission, Fiscal Court or City Council shall have no jurisdiction to hear any appeal not timely filed. The Commission shall have full authority to reverse the Administrator's decision and to grant appropriate relief. Any person aggrieved by the Commission decision may appeal to the Fiscal Court or City Council by filing written notice of his appeal with the Fiscal Court or City Council. Such notice shall state in full the reason for the appeal, not be enlarged from the first appeal and shall be filed within ten (10) days of the Commission action. The Fiscal Court or City Council shall have no jurisdiction to hear any appeal not timely filed. The Fiscal Court or City Council shall have full authority to reverse the Administrator's or Commission's decision and to grant appropriate relief. The decision of Fiscal Court or City Council shall be final.
(Ord. 85-13,.passed 12-16-85)
   The Administrator shall by citation or complaint to the Bullitt District Court institute an action against any person who shall fail to comply with this chapter.
(Ord. 85-13, passed 12-16-85)