A.   Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter (other than subsection 7-5-4A2a, A2b or A2e, or section 7-5-17 or 7-5-12 of this chapter for which the out of court settlement is set forth in subsection E of this section) may make out of court settlement with the city and avoid legal proceedings in the circuit court of the county by payment of an out of court settlement in accordance with the schedule set forth in subsection C of this section.
   B.   Payment of out of court settlement may be made by mailing the amount thereof by check or money order to: Police Department, City Of Highwood, 17 Highwood Avenue, Highwood, Lake County, IL 60040, or by leaving the amount thereof with the police department. A receipt shall be issued for all money so received if requested.
   C.   The out of court settlement schedule is as follows:
General parking and city sticker violations
After 30 days of issue
(Ord. 15-O-6, 2-3-2015)
   D.   The notice of violation/parking ticket issued by the officer shall indicate the amount of out of court settlement set forth in subsection C or E of this section, as appropriate. (Ord. 93-O-38, 11-16-1993)
   E.   1.   Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of subsection 7-5-4A2a, A2b or A2e, or section 7-5-12 of this chapter may make an out of court settlement by payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each offense, if paid within thirty (30) days of such offense. More than thirty (30) days after the violation, out of court settlement, pursuant to this subsection E1, may be made by payment in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. (Ord. 96-O-38, 12-3-1996)
      2.   Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of section 7-5-17 of this chapter may make an out of court settlement by payment of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each offense, if paid within thirty (30) days of such offense. More than thirty (30) days after the violation, out of court settlement, pursuant to this subsection E2, may be made by payment in the sum of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) for each offense. (Ord. 2007-O-21, 7-2-2007)
   F.   If a defendant has failed to obtain a court hearing or make an out of court settlement with respect to any violation of any provision of this chapter, upon initiation of any legal action by the city against such defendant for such violation, the out of court settlement provisions of this section shall not apply to such violation. (Ord. 93-O-38, 11-16-1993)
   G.   Any person, partnership, firm, entity or corporation that fails to make an out of court settlement as prescribed in this section and is placed on court supervision for, found guilty of, or convicted of violating any provision of this chapter shall be fined not less than the amount of the out of court settlement set forth in this chapter, nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense. The minimum fine hereunder shall be determined by reference to the date on which a court hearing is requested by the violator, and the minimum fine hereunder shall be no less than the amount of an out of court settlement on that date, pursuant to subsection C or E of this section. If no hearing is requested by the violator and court action is instituted by the city, the amount of any fine imposed shall be not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) (but $300.00 for violation of section 7-5-17 of this chapter) nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense. (Ord. 96-O-38, 12-3-1996; amd. Ord. 2007-O-21, 7-2-2007; 2009 Code)
   H.   Each period of posted time limit, or if no time limit is posted, each day that a vehicle is illegally parked or left standing, shall constitute a separate offense and shall be prosecuted accordingly.
   I.   In addition any penalty or fine levied under this section, any person, partnership, firm, entity or corporation in violation of any provision of this section shall pay any and all reasonable attorney fees incurred by the city in enforcing this chapter in the event the person fails to pay the out of court settlement amounts designated herein.
   J.   In the event the city deems it necessary to bring any court action to enforce this chapter, there shall be assessed against any person, partnership, firm or corporation violating this chapter all reasonable costs, expenses and attorney fees incurred by the city in bringing said action, in addition to the fines provided herein. (Ord. 93-O-38, 11-1-1993)