The following are hereby adopted as the rules of the Highwood city council.
A. Definitions: For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall be defined as follows unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended:
COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OR COW MEETING: Any meeting of the corporate authorities to permit informal discussion of the business and operations of the city, without formal final action.
CORPORATE AUTHORITIES: The mayor and city council of the city of Highwood.
REGULAR MEETINGS: The regular formal business meetings of the Highwood city council. (Ord. 2009-O-32, 9-1-2009)
B. Meetings Schedule:
1. Committee Of The Whole: The corporate authorities shall meet as committee of the whole on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at six o'clock (6:00) P.M. in the city hall. The purpose of the COW meeting is to: a) permit informal discussion of the business and operations of the city before they are presented for final, formal action at a future regular meeting (as herein defined); b) to determine the agenda for the upcoming regular meeting(s); and c) to review the regular meeting agenda of that evening (if applicable) to ensure that the items listed are ready for discussion and/or action at the regular meeting. (Ord. 12-O-10, 3-6-2012)
2. Regular Meetings: The regular meetings of the city council shall be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at seven thirty o'clock (7:30) P.M. in the city hall.
3. Special Meetings: Special meetings, including emergency meetings, may be called from time to time by the mayor or by any two (2) members of the city council. Notice shall be provided as required by the Illinois open meetings act 2 .
4. Actions: To the extent permitted by law, and in conformance with applicable notice requirements, any council actions, including formal approval, may be taken at any regular or special meeting.
a. All items on the agenda (ordinances, resolutions, motions, etc.) for city council action shall proceed as follows:
(1) The item shall be announced by the presiding officer as it appears on the agenda;
(2) Any ordinance or resolution shall be read, by reading of the title of same. The ordinance or resolution shall be read in its entirety upon motion of the city council;
(3) The item shall be explained;
(4) A motion shall be made and seconded prior to debate on the item;
(5) The item shall be discussed by the city council;
(6) The item shall be opened for public comment as set forth in these rules;
(7) The city council may engage in additional discussion before being called for a vote. (Ord. 2009-O-32, 9-1-2009)
b. No ordinance shall be passed until it has been introduced by reading on two (2) separate days, unless the first reading is waived by a majority of the corporate authorities then holding office. If first reading is not waived, the second reading shall follow the first by no less than fourteen (14) days. (Ord. 12-O-32, 7-10-2012)
5. Meetings Falling On Holidays: Any regular meeting or committee of the whole meeting falling upon the following designated holidays shall occur on the next business day immediately after said holiday:
a. January 1 (New Year's Day).
b. February 12 (Abraham Lincoln's birthday).
c. July 4 (Independence Day).
d. November 11 (Veterans Day).
e. December 25 (Christmas Day).
f. Election days for municipal elections of city officials, or on which referendums, public questions or issues of the city are on the ballot.
g. Yom Kippur.
h. Passover (first and second days).
i. Rosh Hashanah.
C. Agenda:
1. Contents: The agenda for a meeting shall contain:
a. All of the items of business to be considered by the corporate authorities at such meeting;
b. All items of business under the proper order of business as set forth herein; and
c. Each agenda item shall contain details as to the agenda item (i.e., a proposed appointment shall indicate the appointee, the board or commission, and the term). (Ord. 2009-O-32, 9-1-2009)
2. Preparation: The agenda for any regular or committee of the whole meeting shall be prepared under the direction of the city manager, and pursuant to the following procedure(s):
a. The city manager shall prepare a draft agenda (hereinafter "draft agenda") no later than five o'clock (5:00) P.M. on the Thursday next preceding any regular meeting or committee of the whole meeting. Such draft agenda shall be available at city hall for the members of the corporate authorities. Further, the city manager shall distribute such draft agenda to the members of the corporate authorities via e-mail by such time and date. Such draft agenda shall include: 1) such matters as the city manager recommends and receives approval for inclusion by the mayor; 2) such matters as the mayor shall determine; 3) such matters previously set by the corporate authorities for the particular meeting, including matters postponed to such date, and 4) such matters requested by any two (2) aldermen in writing, prior to the preparation of the draft agenda.
b. Following the distribution of the draft agenda and upon the direction of: 1) the mayor; 2) or any two (2) aldermen, and given to the city manager's office in writing no later than twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on the Friday next preceding the regular meeting or committee of the whole meeting, additional agenda items shall be added to the draft agenda.
c. Based upon the above procedure, the city manager shall prepare a final agenda (hereinafter "final agenda") for its regular meeting or committee of the whole meeting no later than the close of business on the Friday next preceding any regular meeting or committee of the whole meeting.
d. The agenda for all other meetings (special, emergency or reconvened meeting) shall be as set forth in the call and notice for such meeting. (Ord. 2011-O-12, 6-7-2011)
3. Distribution Of Agendas: Not later than Friday preceding a regular meeting or committee of the whole meeting, and as soon as practical for all other meetings, once the final agenda for any meeting of the corporate authorities is prepared the city manager shall:
a. Cause such final agenda to be available at city hall for distribution to the members of the public and the corporate authorities;
b. Distribute such final agenda to the members of the corporate authorities and to all city departments via e-mail;
c. Post such final agenda at a public place at city hall and make all notifications as required pursuant to the open meetings act;
d. Cause such final agenda to be posted upon the city's website;
e. Cause such final agenda to be transmitted via e-mail to members of the public requesting same.
4. Order Of Proceeding Of Regular Meetings: The order of the agenda for regular meetings shall be as follows:
a. Call to order;
b. Roll call;
c. Pledge Of Allegiance;
d. Approval of minutes;
e. Special business;
f. Appointments;
g. Public forum for items not on the agenda;
h. Public hearings;
i. Reports:
(1) Mayor's report;
(2) Aldermen's reports;
(3) City manager's report;
(4) Treasurer's report;
(5) Clerk's report;
j. Action items;
k. Old business;
l. New business;
m. Executive session;
n. Adjournment.
5. Order Of Proceeding For Committee Of The Whole Meetings: The order of the agenda for the committee of the whole meetings shall be as follows:
a. Roll call;
b. Executive session;
c. New business;
d. Old business;
e. Adjournment.
6. Special Meetings: The order of the agenda for any special meeting shall be as specified in the notice for such meeting.
7. Agenda Changes: The presiding officer may change the order of an item or items on the agenda, with the consent of the council.
8. Items Not On Agenda: The failure to specifically list a matter on the agenda shall not preclude discussion of any matter. Final action shall not be taken on an item not on the agenda unless extraordinary circumstances warrant such action, in which case, said item shall be placed on the agenda for ratification at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the council.
9. Future Agenda Items: Any two (2) aldermen may direct the city manager to place an item on the city council agenda if the request is timely made.
At any meeting a member of the city council may move for the inclusion of an agenda item for a future city council meeting. If the motion passes, the city manager shall include such item on the agenda. Further, the city manager shall prepare such reports, information, resolutions, or ordinances as may be appropriate for such agenda item.
D. Rules Of Proceedings: The following rules shall govern the deliberations and proceedings of all council meetings:
1. Presiding Officers: The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the council. During the temporary absence or disability of the mayor, the council shall elect one of its members as acting mayor, who shall act as presiding officer of the council, however, the acting mayor shall not make or second motions but shall vote on all questions and matters brought before the city council. The presiding officer shall preserve order and decorum, and may speak to points of order in preference to other members, and shall decide all questions of order subject to appeal. All questions relating to the priority of business at any meeting shall be decided by the presiding officer without debate, subject to appeal. In case of any disturbances or disorderly conduct, the presiding officer shall have the power to require the chamber to be cleared.
2. Meetings Via Electronic Means:
a. If a quorum of the members of the city council is present at the place designated in the notice of the meeting, the city council may allow any member to attend the meeting via teleconference, video conference, or other interactive electronic means (hereinafter collectively referred to as "electronic means") in accordance with this section and state law.
b. The member may be allowed to participate by electronic means if the member is prevented from physically attending the meeting because of: 1) personal illness or disability; 2) employment purposes or the business of the city; 3) a family or other emergency; or 4) if vacationing outside the city boundaries.
c. If a member wishes to attend a meeting by electronic means, the member shall notify the office of the city manager at least forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, unless impractical. The council shall determine the impracticability on a case by case basis.
d. A member participating by electronic means shall be allowed to vote and participate in all aspects of the meeting.
e. If a member is present by electronic means, the member shall identify himself/herself by name and be recognized by the presiding officer prior to communicating. Any voice, electronic or other transmission by electronic means made during the meeting by a member who is attending a public meeting by electronic means shall be made available to the public concurrent with the transmission, except for those meetings that are closed to the public in accordance with section 2 of the open meetings act 3 .
3. Public Comment:
a. Members of the general public shall be permitted to address the corporate authorities with concerns or comments regarding issues that are relevant to the city. Issues that are not relevant to the city shall not be permitted. No public comments shall be heard on behalf of or against any candidate for public office. Public comments shall be permitted as follows:
(1) During the public forum portion of the agenda but only for matters not listed for consideration on that meeting's agenda;
(2) During the portion of any regular meeting regarding a specific agenda item, as the agenda item is presented. (Ord. 2009-O-32, 9-1-2009)
b. Those members of the public interested in speaking at the public forum, as practicable, should register their name and address on a sign in sheet to be prepared by the city manager. Providing an address is voluntary. It shall not be a prerequisite to speaking at an open meeting. The presiding officer shall invite the members of the public to make their comments at the public forum in the order of the sign in sheet. At the conclusion of the comments by the member of the public registered, the presiding officer shall solicit comments from any other members of the public seeking to address the corporate authorities and who failed to register. (Ord. 14-O-36, 11-3-2014)
c. Those members of the public interested in speaking to the corporate authorities regarding a specific agenda item shall be permitted to do so, following the introduction of the matter and initial discussion of the matter by the corporate authorities. At the conclusion of such initial discussion, the presiding officer shall solicit comments from members of the public seeking to address the corporate authorities on such agenda item.
d. A person addressing the corporate authorities shall be allotted: 1) five (5) minutes for comments related to the public forum and 2) three (3) minutes for comments related to specific agenda items for the regular meeting; to present his/her comments unless a longer time is approved by the presiding officer. No person shall be permitted to speak twice on the same subject at the same meeting except by approval of the city council.
e. The members of the corporate authorities may respond to the public's comments in such manner deemed to be appropriate, including responding to the comment or referral to the city staff, or an appropriate agency for review, and/or may place the matter on a subsequent agenda for discussion.
f. The members of the public, staff and the corporate authorities shall, at all times, maintain proper decorum.
4. Robert's Rules Of Order: Except as otherwise provided herein, the rules of parliamentary practice comprised in the latest published edition of "Robert's Rules Of Order Revised" shall govern the council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these rules of the council.
5. Appeals: Any alderman may appeal a ruling of the presiding officer. Such appeal shall require a second. If seconded, the member making the appeal may briefly state the reason for the appeal, and the presiding officer may briefly explain the reasons for the ruling. Provided, there shall be no further debate on the appeal, and no other alderman shall participate in the discussion. The presiding officer shall then put the question, "Shall the decision of the presiding officer be sustained?" If a majority of the aldermen present vote "no", the decision of the presiding officer shall be overruled; otherwise, it shall be sustained.
6. Abstention: In the event any of the corporate authorities shall abstain from casting a vote in favor of, or against any proposition, motion, resolution, ordinance or other matter coming before the city council for deliberation and vote, it is hereby determined that said abstention shall not be counted with either the majority or minority, but rather shall have no effect whatsoever in the determination of the vote cast. However, further provided, that the abstention shall not be determined or implied to effect the number of the corporate authorities present for determination of a quorum or majority required for city business.
7. Suspension Of Rules: These rules may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of the corporate authorities then holding office.
8. Interpretation And Validity Of Enactments: The interpretation and application of these rules shall be within the sole discretion of the mayor and city council, which decision shall be final. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this section, any ordinance, motion, resolution or other action hereafter adopted or taken by the city council shall not be invalidated, impaired or affected in any way by noncompliance or alleged noncompliance with any one or more provisions of these rules.
9. Open Meetings: All meetings of the city council shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois open meetings act and in conformance with which, upon a majority vote of a quorum present at an open meeting, the city council may hold a meeting closed to the public, or close the portion of any open meeting for which proper notice has been given. Meetings or portions of meetings closed to the public shall be referred to as executive sessions. (Ord. 2009-O-32, 9-1-2009)
1 | 1. See section 1-6-3 of this title. |
2 | 1. 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. |
3 | 1. 5 ILCS 120/2. |
A. Title: This section may be called or referred to as the SPECIAL MAYORAL ASSISTANT ORDINANCE OF 1994.
B. Creation Of Office; Appointment: There is hereby created the office of the special assistant to the mayor of the city. The mayor may (but need not) appoint such special assistant, with the advice and consent of the city council. Such appointment shall be made in writing, and shall specify the term of the appointment, which shall not extend beyond the term of other appointive officers of the city at the end of each fiscal year. However, nothing in this section shall prevent the mayor from reappointing the same person again as his special assistant if he should so wish.
C. No Compensation: There shall be no remuneration for the office of the special assistant to the mayor.
D. Bond; Insurance:
1. Bond: The special assistant to the mayor shall not be required to furnish any bond to the city, unless otherwise specified in the written appointment of the mayor.
2. Insurance: The special assistant to the mayor will be indemnified by the city and its insurance carrier for any and all losses, expenses, costs (including attorney fees) and the like as a result of or arising in any way due to his office. However, such indemnification shall not extend to any wilful or wanton act or failure to act, nor to any acts outside the scope of his office.
E. Duties; Restrictions:
1. The special assistant to the mayor shall assist the mayor in carrying out his duties, as directed by the mayor from time to time. He may exercise all the powers of the mayor; except, that he may not:
a. Appoint any new officers; or
b. Remove any officer or terminate any city employee, however, in urgent circumstances, and in the absence of the mayor, he may temporarily suspend any city employee pending review by the mayor promptly upon his return; or
c. Call out militia; or
d. Issue any licenses, unless directed to do so by the mayor in writing.
2. The special assistant to the mayor may not sign instruments on behalf of the mayor unless the mayor designates his authority to do so, in writing, as required by 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3.1-35-30 or any relevant successor state statute(s). (Ord. 94-O-60, 12-6-1994)
A. Persons Designated To Receive Training: The mayor, all aldermen, city clerk, city manager, assistant city manager, and community development director are hereby designated to receive the training required under the open meetings act. This designation shall apply to the city council as well as to all standing and ad hoc committees, commissions or boards of the city ("subordinate public bodies") which may be considered a "public body" under the open meetings act. The police and fire pension boards and the board of fire and police commissioners are not a committee or board of the city for purposes of this section and, therefore, are not a subordinate public body for purposes of this section. Subordinate public bodies need not make additional designations.
B. Electronic Training: On or before June 30, 2010, or as may be extended by the Illinois public access counselor, the above designated persons must successfully complete an electronic training curriculum, developed and administered by the public access counselor, and thereafter must successfully complete an annual training program.
C. Newly Elected/Appointed/Hired Persons: Whenever new individuals not currently holding the above offices assume the above offices, those persons must successfully complete the electronic training curriculum within thirty (30) days after assuming office.
D. List Of Designees To Public Access Counselor: On or before July 1, 2010, and, thereafter, within fifteen (15) days of an office holder being designated to receive the training required under the open meetings act or assuming such designated office, as the case may be, the assistant city manager shall submit a list of names of such designated officers to the public access counselor. (Ord. 10-O-01, 1-19-2010)